The path to Mars: part 4

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3rd person POV:

(Y/n) and the gang has been traveling for weeks and after a few encounters, they finally saw it.

The group was on the bridge when it happened.

(Y/n): Captain's log... Entry four.

(Y/n): After weeks of travel... We finally see it for the first time... Mars.

(Y/n): It looks quite similar to earth, however the size of the planet is different

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(Y/n): It looks quite similar to earth, however the size of the planet is different. I and the crew will arrive in 24 hours.

The group then turned their attention to the many warships and Gears that were fighting several hundred miles away from the planet.

(Y/n): Captain Nexstar, signing off.

Gaze: So that's the war.

Aiba: I don't believe anyone has noticed our presence yet. I suggest we take a longer route and go around.

Marcus: There is still the problem of we don't know who the leader of this planet is.

(Y/n): Then we'll hold off, entering Mars for a bit.

(Y/n): Is there anything on Mars's moons?

Aiba:... Scans show none.

(Y/n): Then lets head to one, and see what happens after that.

And so the group set off to one of Mars's moons, but little did they know that they were being followed by a Martian warship.

This remotely controlled ship had a certain blue Gear flying beside it.

Ship Captain:( on coms) What an interesting looking ship, compared to what the earthlings usually use

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Ship Captain:( on coms) What an interesting looking ship, compared to what the earthlings usually use. Wouldn't you say, Zach?

Zach:... Why are you here? I'm capable of doing this myself.

Ship captain:(on coms) Don't be foolish, you need backup, even if you have one of those old "special" cogs.

Zach: If I needed backup, I would have brought members of my guild.

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