The Queen of earth

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3rd person POV:

After the battle between the golden link gear and Azrexel: Red Dragon, the group got back on the blue triceratops guilds base where the waited for the others on the Box to arrive.

Once they all had reunited, they discussed there next move.

Daniel: What's the plan?

Marcus: I think it's time we met up with my mother. She should definitely be able to help us end the war.

Zach: Who is his mother?

Gaze: The Queen of earth.

Zach: Ah...

(Y/n): It might actually be a good idea. With there apparently being new restricted areas, and us not being able to detect them, we're going to need help getting to Mars.

Zach: I don't think I'll join you on this mission.

Marcus: Why not?

Zach: I don't think I'll be welcomed near the earth queen, being from mars and all.

(Y/n): That okay.

(Y/n): However, make sure you get yourself on Mars.

Zach: I'll do my best, I have business there anyway.

Zach: How will we contact each other?

(Y/n): I'm sure our Gears can find each other.

Aiba: So you're just going to hope you find each other.

(Y/n): Call it what you want, but if my theory which no one is apparently interested in is correct then it will work.

Aiba: Of course it will...

Gaze: So we agree? Do we find the Queen?

(Y/n): I guess so. Let's get set and go.

The group dispersed to get everything ready for there leave.

Before they left, (Y/n) took Zach to speak to him in private.

Zach: Need something?

(Y/n): No, in fact, I wanted to give you so something.

He hands Zach a memory stick. He takes it.

Zach: What's this?

(Y/n): I had some time, so I designed a schematic for upgrading Tribriel.

Zach: Why are you giving me this?

(Y/n): Just consider it a late payment upfront for helping us stop a war.

Zach: Fine. I will.

(Y/n): See you on Mars.

Zach: Are you sure you can end a war?

(Y/n):... I believe I can do anything with enough time and resources. I also believe that if we all work together, we can do anything much faster, much easier.

Zach: Interesting ideal.

(Y/n): A old friend thought me that. She accidentally did it, but I'm glad she did none the less.

Zach: Hm... I'll see you on Mars.

(Y/n): Let's see who gets there first.

Zach: Let's...

He began walking away.

Zach/(Y/n):(mind) It's going to be me...

Soon after, the Box and its crew set out to find Queen Trudian.

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