Raid crashing: part 1

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3rd person pov:

In the headquarters of Majesty, their leader Gaze was currently talking with a "friend" of his.

Gaze: Really? The red Gear managed to stay the Niagara serpent?

Gaze: That is impressive, but that feeling is somewhat muddied due to us both having at least one person who could have slain it solo.

Gaze:(listen to what they have to say)

Gaze: That's not what I'm saying.

Gaze:... Have you sensed something strange about the red Gear?

Gaze:(listens to answer)

Gaze: I don't know... But I'll find out.

(Knock knock knock)

Gaze: I have to go. Until next time... Pride.

He hangs up and invites in the knocker.

The one who knocked was none other than his right-hand woman Kanzaki.

The one who knocked was none other than his right-hand woman Kanzaki

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Gaze: Kanzaki, tell me, are the preparations for the raid ready?

Kanzaki: Yes sir. The Trudian outpost won't know what hit them. Once we take their resources and Gears we can weaken there hold on this area.

Kanzaki: The only concern I have, is that our raid will attract a few mutants and put the nearby city in danger.

Gaze: We'll help if it doesn't get in the way, but our main concern is that the raid goes well.

Kanzaki:... Of course.

Gaze: Kanzaki-

Kanzaki: I know. Sometimes we have to sacrifice others for the bigger picture.

Gaze: Yes, but that's not what I was going to say.


Gaze: I want you to take your Green day, and scout out the area while the raid is taking place. If this Red Gear shows up, I'd like to see more of there capabilities.

Kanzaki: You can count on me.

Gaze: I know.

Kanzaki then leaves to finish the final preparation for the raid. The raid was on a Trudian kingdom outpost near a city called Yellowstone. The job of the outpost was to guard the city against Mutants. The reason they were targeting it was because the outpost and city were close to there base.

Due to the distance of Yellowstone and its outpost from the main capital, raiding the outpost will not only raise their resources but also weaken the control Trudian has over the area. If they managed to get full control of the area, they can give themselves a serious boost in power.

(Meanwhile with (Y/n))

It was getting dark in Sakura city. The sun was only minutes away from disappearing and bringing the darkness of night.

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