The box is bigger than expected

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3rd person Pov:

After landing back in Sakura city, (Y/n) made his way back to his lab where he then went down to the box.

(Y/n): I'm back!

He said loudly to get everyone's attention. Tifa then walked up to him as Aiba stayed with an unconscious Futaba.

Tifa: Your back! How did it go?

(Y/n): I'm pretty sure that I got a good deal with them, so now they'll come to me with there tech problems.

Tifa: What?

(Y/n): This way I can learn their secrets while gaining recourses to make me stronger. Great deal, don't you think?

Tifa: I-I guess...?

(Y/n): I'll tell you the other stuff later.

(Y/n) then looked at Azrexel, and like he always does, he greeted him.

(Y/n): Hey Azrexel, I'm back!

He then notices Futaba on the couch sleeping.

(Y/n): What's with her?

Aiba: She pulled a few too many all-nighters.

(Y/n): I could have given her tips on that. What was she working on?

Aiba: You know the door shape crevices in the walls?

(Y/n): Yeah?

Aiba pointed to the newly opened door in the control room.


He immediately ran up to the newly opened door.

(Y/n): Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!

Aiba: I was, but you had to go to Risington.

(Y/n):(smiles) Tell Futaba she can get whatever she wants as long as I can afford it!

Looking through the open door, he saw it wasn't lit up, so he went to his toolbox, grabbed a few tools and a flashlight.

(Y/n): Time to explore!

Tifa: You just came back!

(Y/n): So?

Tifa: Is this really important?

(Y/n): Tifa, the box filled with tech from an unknown source has now an opening that can show me more of its secrets. I'm not waiting.

Tifa: Then I'm coming with you.

(Y/n): If you want...

Tifa: Let's go.

The two then walked through the door, once it did it immediately closed behind them.


(Y/n): That can't be good...

(Y/n): Aiba?! Can you hear us?!

Aiba:(muffled) Yes!

(Y/n): Where going to explore! There seems to be a padlock of some kind! So I might be able to open it, so don't worry!

Aiba:(muffled) Tch, whatever do what you want!

(Y/n): Plan too! Don't misbehave while I'm away!

(Y/n): Okay, let's go.

Tifa: Just like that?

(Y/n): If it can be opened once, it can be opened again. But if you're scared then I'll open it now.

Tifa: I'm not scared. Let's go.

(Y/n): That's the spirit.

The two walk further into the box. They immediately came across a flight of stairs which the began walking up.

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