Chapter 19

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Austin's POV

" Hey , you okay ? " Aria asked . I rolled my eyes to push back the tears I had in my eyes . " Yeah I'm fine . " I replied . She Came and put her hands on my cheeks . " Look at me . " She said . I turned my head and looked at her . " I know you wanna break Down right now . And there is nothing wrong with that . You can't play strong forever . Just let it out , I'm here for you " She said hugging me . A tear rolled down my face . I wiped it , my ma not gone yet so imma spend as much time as I can with her . " Come on ma let's go , I'll be fine . " I said grabbing her hand .

Alex's POV

Me and ma were done eating so we got up and cleaned up the kitchen . As much as I wanna cry , I'm not . I gotta stay strong for ma . She not even my real mama but she pretty much raised me like I was her own . " You know everything is gonna be okay Alex " she said Watching my movement . I didn't even notice that I was slamming stuff around . " I know mama . It's just that why is it happening to you ? Out of all people . " I replied . " Look don't ever question what god does baby . Everything happens for a reason . I'll be alright . " She said smiling .

One thing about her is she not scared of anything ..not even dying . " Okay ma , go up stairs and get some rest . The kitchen clean so you don't have to do nothing else . Love you " I said kissing her Forhead . " Alright baby goodnight . " she waved walking up the stairs . Austin & Aria walked in one after another . " Where's ma ? " He asked . " She getting ready for bed , she shouldn't be sleep yet . Cause she just walked up there like 3minutes ago " I replied . He nodded and went upstairs . Aria followed .

Arias POV

We gave mama a kiss and walked ousted to our cars , The boys drove together . " Alright Aria drive safe " Austin said watching me pull out the driveway . Soon as got down the street I realized that I was running outta gas .

I stopped at a Enmark nearby . I parked at pump 4 and went in the store . I grabbed some munchies chips , Hershey & a Brisk . I went to put all the stuff on the counter and gave the girl 30$ . Twenty for gas and the ten was for the snacks that I got . She ringed the stuff up and looked at me . " Aria ? " She asked looking kinda confused . " Yeah that's me , and you are ? " I replied smiling . " You don't remember me ? Fatima ? We use to live in the same neighborhood . " she said . " Oooh yeah , I remember now . You look great " I said . Ion even see how she remembered allat shit but whatever . " Thanks " she said .

" Yeah girl but I'm kinda in a rush so can you speed up this process ? " I asked . " Oh yeah sure " " Here you can call me sometime if you want to " I said giving her my number . I walked out the store , pumped gas & drove off . I wanted to hurry up and get home because I'm tired ass hell man . Seconds later I was in my driveway . I grabbed my stuff and got out . When I got up to the door my phone started ringing . I unlocked the door and walked in . " Hello " I said in a dry tone . " This is not over bitch . " said An unfamiliar voice . My blood immediately started to boil but at the same time ...ion even care cause I'm so sleepy , not nan bitch gone touch me anyways . I went upstairs and got in the bed . Ill deal with that shit tomorrow .

Cally's POV

I woke with Alex in the bed next to me . We had makeup sex last night . It was everything . But I'm still mad at the fact he got ' Tatyanna ' or whatever her damn name is texting his phone . I got up and used the bathroom . I don't feel good at all . -_- I washed my hands and layed back in the bed . I hope this ain't what I think it is .

Austin's POV

I woke up this morning to my mom yelling my name . I jumped outta bed and ran straight downstairs to her room . She was laying in the bed , her hands was shaking . " Take me to the hospital NOW !! " She yelled . " Okay mama can you move at all ? " I asked . She got up and put her slippers on .... Well that answered my question . I went to the kitchen counter and grabbed my keys and my phone . By the time I got to the car she was already in there . I text Aria & Alex and told them to meet me at the hospital . After that I put my phone in the cup holder and sped off .

* 3hours later *

Aria's POV

So we're sitting in the waiting room & We been here for the longest && plus I'm hungry as hell . " Family for Miss Wanda ? " Said the doctor coming towards us . We all stood up . " Okay , as you all know she has cancer ...What she has experienced this morning was something we never really delt with in a long time ...- " " So what you Tryna say ? Yeen gone help my ma ? " Austin said cutting the man off . " No sir . What I'm saying is if we do this treatment , there is a 50% chance that she won't make it . " He said . Austin balled up his fist . " So what's the point of y'all giving the treatment if it ain't gone work ? That's the craziest shit I ever heard bruh . " Austin said walking off . The doctor looked at us . " You can give her the treatment " Me and Alex both said at the same time . He nodded and walked off . " You think Austin gone be mad at us ? " I asked . " Prolly , but ion care . I got faith in my mama man . This shit gone work . If he do get mad he ain't gone be mad for long . His ass gone thank us in the long run " Alex replied . I nodded . He was right .

>> > Sooo what y'all think is wrong with Cally ? 😏 Think the treatment gone workout ? Will Austin be mad ? .. Sorry it take so long , I try to make sure everything is right for y'all .

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