Y/N frets over Harry's bruised knuckles from boxing.

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Harry's been boxing for the past two hours, trying to push for a third, but he sees Y/N out of the corner of his eye wringing her hands together in a nervous manner, and he knows he should take a break. She worries about his heath, and he's grateful for that because if no one was telling him to stop, he'd pass out from working out so much.

"Harry, mate, wanna rest for a tick? Your girl looks like she's about to start crying", Harry's coach tells him.

Harry takes a peak back over at Y/N and notices a pout to her lip, her eyes glossy, and her eyebrows pinched together. Poor thing, worrying over me like there's no tomorrow.

"That's probably best." He walks over to her while untying his gloves, having to bite at one of them to remove the tape. Y/N wipes at her eyes discretely, not wanting him to see her crying. "Hey, pretty girl."

"Hi." She sniffles and stands on her tip-toes to kiss the corner of his mouth. "Are you done?"

"Yeah, I think so." He places his gloves on a bench and grabs her hand to bring her into his dressing room. "You wanna eat before the show?"

"I wish you wouldn't box", she speaks abruptly.

Harry closes his eyes and centers himself before answering. This isn't the first time she's talked to him about boxing. "Baby, we've talked about this. It's good exercise for me, yeah? And I don't get to work out at a gym when I'm on tour because I'm in a new city every night."

"I know." She puffs out her lips and toys with Harry's fingers, inspecting them like she usually does after every session. "But your knuckles get all bruised, and they look like they hurt. I hate that."

"Oh, baby." He brings her hands up to his mouth and kisses each one on the palm. "I appreciate you worrying about me so much. I really do. But I'm fine."

"You boxed for over two hours." Her pout turns into a frown, her eyebrows seeming to be stitched together. "And you didn't drink that much water and-"

"Baby", he interrupts her with a breathless laugh, rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles. "You worry too much." His forehead comes into contact with hers as he pecks her lips. "I'll drink... ten bottles of water right now if you want." She laughs. "But I'm perfectly fine. You don't need to fret over me so much." His thumb smooths out a wrinkle between her eyebrows.

"But I do." She looks absolutely adorable right now in her flustered state, and Harry just wants to kiss away all her stress and cuddle her on the couch before he has to get ready for the show.

"I know, baby." Rubbing her back seems to soothe her a bit - as her cheek rests on Harry's chest - and he sniffs her hair before giving her head a kiss. "But you know something good that comes out of me boxing?"


He picks her up and carries her to the vanity, setting her atop of it and earning him a squeal. "I'm always really horny afterward."

"You're always horny." She teases him and pokes his dimple.

"Heyyy", he mimics her facial expression from earlier and pouts his lips. "I can't help if my girlfriend is so pretty, I get hard from just looking at her." Y/N giggles and kisses his heated cheek.

Maybe bruised knuckles are worth getting her back blown out.

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