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Y/N hated the winter. Absolutely despised the cold weather and how it made her bones ache. She hated the fact that her apartment went from being toasty warm to freezing fucking cold, hated the fact that she had to wear 9 different layers to even stay a little bit warm. Hated the fact that she spent it alone.

And now here she was. On her bed, wrapped in her duvet and every single blanked currently in her apartment, still shivering. The heating had broke a little over 4 hours ago and the landlord had told her that he wasn't going to be able to fix it until the end of the week. So here she was, wrapped in ever blanked imaginable- freezing. The warmth that had once filled her apartment had very quickly evaporated as soon as the heating had shut off, and her home was cold within an hour.

Y/N didn't know what the hell she was meant to do. She was wearing 4 different layers and 3 pairs of socks and her body still didn't want to stop its shaking. She didn't have her portable heater, that she's lent to one of the girls from work and she didn't have the heart to ask for it back now, especially when it was so cold outside. She'd sooner stay cold then make someone else cold.

Y/N didn't even have anywhere she could go. She didn't really have any friends in the area, she wasn't close enough to the girls at work to even think about asking to stay round any of their houses. And Harry wasn't due back in England for a couple more days- he'd just finished he's tour and was wrapping up with interviews and a few little things before he got on a plane home. And even then, he'd be in his nice warm hotel room while Y/N suffered in the cold.

She turns over, squishing her face into her pillow, huffing out a small breath, she pulls the duvet up over her head. Trying to at least trap a little air in with her that could potentially become warm while she was under there. She whines, tears pricking at her eyes as she shivers. She doesn't want to be cold anymore.

She so busy not paying attention to anything around her that she doesn't hear keys being shoved into the lock on her front door. She doesn't hear the door sticking and being shoved open, doesn't hear the voice her best friend mutter out a quick "shit", or the door being shut behind him. She doesn't hear him come down the hallway, but she definitely hears him push open the door to her bedroom because it scares the shit out of her. She throws the duvet off her head and launches herself up in the bed. She stares at him, her mouth slightly, eyes focused on Harry.

"H?" She whispers. Pulling the duvet back up to her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm home early," he says back, his voice a little louder than hers, "'s only a couple days, I finished everything yesterday,"

She nods, moving herself up the bed to pat the space next to her. Harry grins, reaching down to pull of his shoes before he throws himself on the bed as well.

"You alright love?" He asks, moving so that he was laying next to her.

She nods, pulling her body down so that she was laying next to Harry. Pulling her body as close to his as possible, trying to absorb as much of his body head as she could. He body starts up with its small shivering again.

"Yeah, jus' cold," she whispers again, trying not to let Harry know that her teeth were chattering in her mouth.

Harry moves again, wrapping his arms around Y/N and he looks around the room, noticing that all of her blankets were in the bed with her, noticing that she was shivering a little, he looks down at her. Eyes squinting as he asks, "whys it so cold in her love?"

Y/N laughs, a small little huff working it's way past her lips- she's so not amused though- "Fucking heating broke and I'm freezing. David said he can't fix it til Friday, so I'm stuck like this. Now please, got over here. I'm so cold"

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