Golden hour

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Y/N was awoken by the light peaking through the sheer white curtains of their bedroom. The golden rays striving to battle against the opaque material and into Y/N's face smashed lightly on the pillow-which was successful, granted that Y/N forcefully peeled her eyelids open. Sleep weighed heavy on her lids and lashes and she had to blink a good amount to even keep them gaping for a few seconds, tears welling up on her corner ducts.

She stared silently at the curtain-covered window-the glowing sunlight ablaze in the background of a white drop that mixed to a golden haze. It was heavenly, to say the least, how simple colors mixed with the shade of white can create such a canvas of grandiose that would surely take her breath away if she wasn't feeling so calm at this moment.

Nothing can compare to the view on her left side, however. Harry was lightly snoring, deeply set on an induced dream while he slept soundly. Black lashes curling gently against the bags of his eyes, lids so shiny adorned a natural champagne twinge. His brows stuck in different directions just like how the mop on his head sprawled out messily on his own pillow.

The curve of his nose smoothly placed on the center of his face was inclined in a straight fashion and Y/N couldn't help but to lazily lift an arm, sticking up a pointed finger, and tracing the bridge of his nose from the core to the very tip. She smiles to herself when she envisioned Harry's nose twitching like a bunny without his consent-like it had a mind of its own. Gentle breathing hit her finger as she ended its journey near his nostrils, tilting a bit to touch the dip of his Cupid's bow and feeling a scruff of a mustache that he had been growing for days. It was rough, yet his skin was soft-making a distinguishable comparison between the two textures.

And oh, his lips-looking plush and plump, tinted in the most enticing shade of pink-held set in a pout even in his sleep. It looked soft and Y/N had the sudden urge to give him a kiss right then and there, but she refrained. Instead, she let her thumb join her pointer to pinch the skin-as he would do in interviews when he was contemplating on what to say.

Y/N tapped gently on his chin, pausing when his breathing heaved from its usual rate. He groaned quietly, lids cracking the tiniest centimeter to see the minor nuisance tickling his skin.

"Y/N?" He questioned groggily, sleep embedded in his voice. She hummed in response, watching as he shifts from his position on his back to his side, facing her. She swore her entire being could combust on the bed because not only did he looks beautiful, but his voice-he sounded absolutely gorgeous even without trying. His face was half pressed up against the pillow, showcasing the protruding cheekbone.

She let the back of her finger stroke the bone covered up by layers of silky soft skin. Coincidentally, the sunlight shifted to hit that area of his face, making it seem as though he was wearing a highlighter. He was illuminated-and so, so pretty.

His face shifted in response. The skin by his eyes crinkling in confusion as he tried to-with as little effort as possible-figure out what his girlfriend was up to.

"What are you doing?" His slurred speech resonated in the dim light, making Y/N swoon at the gruffness accompanying his heavier accent. He was sleepily talking tongues and Y/N's heart melted.

"Just admiring how pretty you are," She spoke with an almost hypnotized daze. Her head resting on the palm of her hand, forearm holding the weight of her body up so that she had a clear view of him.

Harry smiled, cheeks slowly turning a shade of pink-just like his lips. His dimple dipping on his face as he tried hard to not to act so giddy from her compliment.

"That's not true," He answered, letting one eye scan her for any traces of mischief and deception. "You're the pretty one,"

She blows a raspberry, rolling her eyes. Yet, she bears a grin at his words. "You're so beautiful,"

He groans in response, lifting a heavy arm up and pushing her away jokingly. In reality, Harry was about to burst from the love and praise she was giving him. Her-an angel of an own kind, mesmerized by his mundane features? He could never.

Especially when she was looking like a goddess from the glimmering halo adrift around her head-Harry's chest convulsed with a second breathe. She was literally glowing-undeniably radiating beauty without taking notice of the effect it had on Harry. Her skin was supple and smooth, the pigment going well with the brightness of the sun. Her features being shaded properly by the massive star. She was the epitome of perfection and she didn't even know it. Harry was voluntarily ogling her but she was solely focused on admiring him. Him. Y/N was smiling at him so gently, gracefully-and with so much love and affection that Harry could implode.

But he lets himself bathe in the glory, even though he was immobilizing his legs from kicking out from under the blankets. He was sure that he was doing a bad job at it since his dimple was profoundly caving in the corner of his mouth. He closed his eyes tightly, digging his nose deeper in his pillow in an effort to hide his face.

"Oi," Y/N directed, "Stop doing that. Now I won't get to see you," she pouted in disappointment, making Harry's heart pound at the sad look upon her face. He lifted his head up, changing her expression.

"There's my boy," She breathes, allured eyes staring at him so lovingly.


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