He meets your family for the first time

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"Please no!" You yelled as your mother went in the back closet of her bedroom and pulled out an old shoe box full of childhood memories. But you saw them more as child hood forgets. The box contained photos of your most embarrassing years and your mother was about to bring them into the kitchen to show them to your boyfriend Harry. "Please no mom," you pleaded and she tucked the box under her arm and headed for the kitchen.

She placed the box on the table and your cheeks started to burn red. The memory of the photos flooded back to you and you wanted to crawl under a rock and hide.

Harry opened the lid to the box and immediately lit up when he spotted a album of your school years. In one photo your hair was pulled up into two high pig tails and you were wearing a hideous floral top that you insisted on wearing at the time despite your mothers pleas for you to wear something a little less "loud." You bit down on your lower lip as your mother flash backed to that day and the argument you both had about the shirt and Harry laughed loudly at it.

You cupped your hands over your face in laughed and Harry pressed a kiss to your temple while laughing.

"You're adorable." He said against your skin and you continued to laugh in embarrassment. Your mother began to laugh super loudly once she pulled out a small photo that you knew was the one photo you pleaded for her to burn.

"Harry look at this little gem," she said and handed him the photo. He cupped his hand over his mouth and tried to stifle his laughter but he failed miserably. The photo was a shot of you in your baby years when you were running away from your mother when she wanted to change your diaper. You butt was bare and showing and you were running away from your mother. Your father had taken the photo of you and ever since you discovered its existence you pleaded for your mother to burn it. She unfortunately didn't and now your boyfriend was hysterically laughing at it.

You began to laugh because Harry's laughter was so contagious.

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