Letters to Harry

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Y/N and Harry had been together for over half a year now. She was certain that he loved her with all his heart and he never failed to show it every day. Through minute things, like setting the shower water temperature to her liking before she even woke up, or making her the perfect cup of coffee with just the right amount of coffee creamer and milk-Harry was so very attentive to her needs, subconsciously, that is, he didn't think that he paid enough attention.

He was trustworthy and he appraised himself every time an occurrence came around. Like when a pretty woman flirted with him at the bar while Y/N escaped for a quick bathroom break-Harry was quick to push her away and establish his status before it progressed any further. He was honest and vulnerable-as Y/N described-because not once did she doubt his actions.

So why was it that Y/N felt fear sliding up her spine and creeping up her neck? Especially reading a handwritten letter that was addressed to her boyfriend from his ex, Camille. Why were her fingers twitching against the crumbly strands of the paper-because she felt sad and frustrated and confused about what was to happen.

Her knees were sore from the weight of her body of crouching down on the hardwood floor of their bedroom closet. A shoe box was opened messily with items scattered on the inside. It was an accident, Y/N supposes. She was grabbing a winter jacket from the back of the hangers and clothing-a thick one at that- and used her strength to pry it off its place, not knowing that a box was situated near it. It toppled over, taking her by surprise and she usually would've packed it up right away seeing as though Harry had sloppily written 'PRIVATE' in block letters at the tops and sides.

Her curiosity got to her, however, when she caught the visual of a red envelope with a heart sticker closing it, addressed to 'Harry' with more hearts and little doodles. And there was no excuse for her scrambling with the flaps and scuffing the edges of the white legal paper. It was penned nicely but the words on the paper hurt her heart more than she hoped to feel this day.

"Dear Harry,"

It read and there were no stopping Y/N's curious eyes from reading the smooth ink curved on the letter.

"I hope you're doing well. I know I'd be feeling better if you were around. I'm sorry. Let's just get that out of the way. I made a mistake with leaving you-breaking us apart was not something that I wanted. I hope you know how much I loved you when we were together. I still feel so attached to you, like I can't move on. I guess you have that effect on people.

I love you a lot, Harry. And I'm only now realizing how strong my feelings are for you when you have probably moved on, but I pray that you remember how true and honest our feelings were for each other. You loved me too, didn't you? Do you still love me?"

The swirly question mark blossomed a spark of ache in Y/N's chest. There was no date written anywhere and the paper seemed crisp enough to be considered recent.

"I miss you, H. If you could give me another chance to prove myself to you, I will do whatever it takes."

Y/N's heart was pumping blood through the veins of her ears but somehow it felt like it was amplified two-fold. She heard every rush of hot heat swirling through her brain and her cheeks flamed up from embarrassment and doubt. How could she have thought that Harry would settle with someone like her?

"We had good times together, and maybe we can recreate some of that now. You know how to reach me. I love you, H"

There was worry plaguing her every being and her eyes couldn't help but well up in tears from realization. A slap to the face, a reality check-this letter was anything but a confirmation of Harry and Y/N's loving relationship. It seemed as if every fundamental thing they built together was slowly crumbling in pieces and Y/N wasn't sure why she was letting such a letter affect how she felt and thought of Harry.

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