Masquerade ball

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"I don't know about this Y/F/N," you said softly as she helped adjust the masquerade mask on your face. She just finished doing your makeup and she was helping you adjust the irritating mask on your face. You didn't understand the point of putting on makeup if you were just going to conceal your face with a mask but she insisted.

"Relax!" She said as she moved her hands from your face. "This is going to be fun! And who knows you might meet Mr. Right!" She teased and tapped your side with her elbow. You now knew her intentions of bringing you to a masquerade ball. She wanted to help you find someone.

For months you were desperately searching for that one guy to sweep you off your feet but he was hiding so well you couldn't find him.

"I just don't know..." you protested as you looked over your newly masked face in the mirror. "This just seems weird."

"Hush." Y/F/N said as she adjusted the mask on her face one more time before pulling you out of her bedroom door and into her car.


The ballroom was quaint and nicely decorated. The walls were covered in old art portraits and the lights on the ceiling shimmered against the golds and silvers on the masks of some people.

Y/F/N was across the room speaking with several guys and you were left alone standing by a table full of food. You sighed as you grabbed a small cookie off one of the trays and nibbled on it slightly while waiting for your friend to return.

"Let me guess" a deep raspy voice spoke and nearly caused you to jump. "You were dragged here as well weren't you?" He continued and you nodded.

Before your eyes stood a tall guy with dark curly locks and a dimpled grin plastered across his face. He wore a golden mask but through it you could see his sparkling green eyes.

"I'm Harry." The masked stranger spoke and held out his hand.

"Y/N." You said as you grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Well Y/N would you care to go outside and get some fresh air?" He said politely and you tried to gain the attention of your friend. She peeked over and a smile grew across her face when she saw you with a guy. You mouthed the words 'I'll see you later' and she nodded.

"Sure," you said sweetly and he led you out the front door of the building. His back faced you as he led you outside and you couldn't help but admire his tall lean figure. His shoulders were broad, but not too broad and his torso was tall and lean.

"That's better," he stated as the cold air hit you in the face. "So Y/N, what brings you here?" He asked and you shrugged your shoulders.

"My friend dragged me so I could meet new people." You stated and adjusted the mask on your face which began to get on your nerves. "She feels like she has to play matchmaker with me I guess."

He smiled. "Same with my mate. He feels the need to drag me to all of these places in hopes to find the right girl but I always tell him meeting the right person isn't something that can be forced."

"Exactly," you began as you continued to fix the annoying mask on your face.

Harry chuckled slightly and gently reached down to help you move the mask. His cool fingertips brushed against your cheeks and you felt your heart begin to race. You didn't know why but it did. He gently slid the annoying mask off of your face and smiled.

"Sorry," he began as he handed you back the mask. "I just wanted to see your entire face." You smirked and grabbed the mask from his hands. Your fingertips brushed against his hand sending a surge of chills down your spine.

You reached up and gently slid his golden mask off of his face. His features were so prominent and beautiful you gasped.

"I like you better without the mask," you teased and he smiled which caused his dimple to poke out out.

"I like you," He said with a smile and your heart began to race even more than before.

"Is that because I have that awful mask off of my face?" You joked back and he chuckled.

"No," he stated. "I just really like your personality and your laugh and well I don't know a lot of things. It's weird since I've known you such a short amount of time but it feels like I've known you for years." He said as he pushed his hair back with his hand.

A cheesy grin grew across your face and you felt odd for feeling goosebumps rise on your skin. You barely knew Harry but something about him made you want to kiss him. Why did you want to kiss a complete stranger, you had no clue. All you did know was that you longed to kiss him. You couldn't stop your eyes from roaming up to look at his lips and fantasized about how they would feel against yours and you longed for their touch.

You couldn't bare to stare at his full lips any longer without kissing them so you did. You pressed your lips against him and let the kiss linger before you realized your actions.

"I'm so sorry." you apologized. You wanted to slap yourself in the face for doing so. What on Earth were you thinking? You had just kissed a complete stranger and probably shattered any possibility you had of becoming friends with him. "I'm sorry." You said again and began to run away from him.

You ran around the corner in hopes to find your friends car. Thankfully she had given you her purse to hold when you were inside so you had her keys. You rummaged through her purse to find her keys and when you did you grabbed the remote and clicked the unlock button on her car. Her car lit up and you ran straight to it.

"Fuck," you muttered under your breath as you struggled to open the car door. Your hands were full of stuff from inside her purse that you had to pull out in order to find her keys and it made it hard to open the door.

"Y/N!" Harry called from across the parking lot and you cursed under your breath again. "Y/N!" Harry called again once he came close to you and you wanted to hide your head in shame.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Harry I didn't mean it. I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable and I'm just so sorry I don't know what got into me-"

You were cut off by the feeling of Harry's warm lips against yours. You were caught off guard so your body tensed up but as your lips moved against each others you relaxed. His hands grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him. All of the things that were once in your hands had dropped to the parking lot floor. You wrapped your arms around his neck and continued to kiss him.

If kissing a stranger was wrong you didn't want to be right.

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