The Night After

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You woke up later than usual, still extremely exhausted from the events that occurred the night before. You glanced over at your boyfriend Harry, still sleeping silently. He looked so adorable and innocent. You slowly leaned over and gently kissed his temple before turning to face the opposite way and go back to sleep. Soon you felt two strong arms snake around your waist followed by a bare torso being pressed up against your back.

"Good morning." He purred into you ear. "You mean good afternoon." You corrected as you glanced over at the clock. You quickly turned around you you were facing him. You absolutely adored when he was half asleep. You giggled a bit as you turned to be greeted by messy curls. You ran your fingers through his hair and his arms tightened around your waist. "What should we do today?" You said quietly. He pressed your body tighter against his and said in his groggy morning voice, "Lay like this."

Without any objections you found yourself curled up against him soon falling asleep with his fingers entangled in your hair and your head resting on his chest listening to his heart beat before he soon fell asleep as well.

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