American foods

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"Oh come on don't be so English for once," you teased as you grabbed Harry's hand. It was his first time spending the 4th of July in the states so the entire feel of it was new for him.

"It's hard for me not to be so English seeing as how I am English." He stuck his tongue out at you as you approached him with red face paint. He looked down at the brush and then back up at you.

"It's just face paint." You joked as you held out the small brush with red paint on the end of it.

"No duh genius I do know it's face paint, I'm just betraying my country by letting you draw that on my cheek. I mean I already ate barbecue," He said with a smirk as he gestured towards the American flag your cousin had painted on your cheek earlier. You laughed and pressed the brush to his cheek so you could begin to draw a flag on his cheek despite his apparent "betrayal" for his country.

A few minutes later there was a mediocre American flag painted on his cheek by your doing and Harry couldn't help but mock your uneven painting.

A little while later the familiar cracks and pops of fireworks sounded from the corner of your street.

You squeezed Harry's hand with excitement as you brought him to the front yard of your house for a better view. He couldn't help but laugh at how giddy you were getting over fireworks. You pulled him down so the two of you could lay down in the grass and watch the colorful fireworks set off.

He laughed at your restlessness and laid down beside you but instead of watching the fireworks he spent more time looking over at the look of pure excitement on your face. It caused a grin to form on his face that spread from cheek to cheek. He locked his fingers with yours and pressed his lips to your knuckles as you watched the fireworks and he watched you.

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