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Y/N loved Sunday mornings.

Especially now, as she'd just moved into her new apartment a few weeks ago. She had just finished organizing everything so it was perfect. She woke up with a smile on her face because she had a place of her own, slid on some slippers in the shape of teddy bears and practically skipped to the kitchen to make some blueberry pancakes. (Usually she'd go out for breakfast but with this new rent she's paying, she had to save up. Also, she thinks adding blueberries to her pancakes will make it a bit healthier, and she's been on this health-nut craze for the past few days). Just as she was pouring the pancake mix into the pan, she heard a knock at her door.

Who could be visiting me on a Sunday at seven in the morning?

She scurried to open the door, revealing Niall and Harry in the doorframe.

"Hey! What're you guys doing here?" She steps aside so they can enter.

"Can we not just visit you?", Harry remarks in a playful way.

"Of course you can! You both can! But it's seven in the morning, I wasn't expecting anyone. I'm still in my pajamas." She refers down to the black tank top she was wearing (with no bra because who wears bras to bed?) and pink shorts she'd settled on wearing to sleep the night before.

"You still look ravishing." Niall says, sitting down next to Harry in the seats next to the kitchen island.

Y/N blushes, turning her head a bit and looking away at the stove. "Shit!" She runs over to it, completely forgetting she was making pancakes. "Oh, thank God it's not burnt." She flips it just in time; she really didn't want to have to throw it out. She looks over her shoulder at them, noticing for a split second that they both had their eyes focused on her ass. She feels a surge of confidence spiral through her because she didn't think either of them had ever looked at her ass before. They had certain types, and she certainly thought she wasn't their type. "Would anyone like a pancake?"

"I'll take one", they both answer in unison, which Y/N thought was a little odd.

She makes them both one, along with herself, and stands next to them as they all dig in.

"Fuck me, this's so good", Niall muffles around a bite. "Don't even need syrup." Y/N giggles, thanking him.

"It is very... tasty." He wiggles his eyebrows at Niall, who kicks him in the shin, Harry releasing a sharp "Ow!"

"No fighting in my apartment! It's still new to me, and I don't want anything broken." She swats both of their arms, having to reach a little further to hit Harry's since he was sitting in the seat furthest from her.

"We should just tell her", Harry starts.

"Tell me what?" She slides her plate to the side, giving them her full attention.

Niall shoots Harry a glare. "The truth is... I'm pregnant." He lowers his head in a dramatic way.

"Niall!", she slaps his arm, "stop playing around! What should you tell me?" She walks around, stepping in between their chairs so she's stood between the both of them, switching her gaze back and forth.

"Okay... we came up with an idea in which-"

"A threesome. We want you to have a threesome with us." Harry interrupts Niall, putting his hand on Y/N's lower back.

"Oi! Don't just blurt it out like that!" Niall lightly smacks Harry's head, his curls flopping about.

"You were taking too long, and I wanna get started as soon as possible." Harry wraps his arms around her waist, like he's hugging her from behind. "If that's okay with you. You haven't much said anything." He unhooks his arms, turning Y/N so she could look at either one of them.

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