Next week

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Standing in the kitchen, you tore off the freshly baked cookies from the aluminum foil, neatly placing them onto a clean glass plate. Harry had told you earlier this morning he wanted cookie, and you planned on baking the best possible ones you could just for him. Harry sat with his friends in the living room, all of them discussing what they'd missed while they were all doing their own things.

You were happy his friends were over, you knew his time at home was limited, which was exactly why you wanted him to have as much fun as possible before he eventually had to go back on tour or to record his album in LA. Stacking the cookies in cute little circles. You picked up the little tray and walked towards the swinging door towards the living room.

Suddenly, you hear a voice say a familiar name, and your actions halt.

"If I were you I would've taken her up on the offer man. She's sexy as fuck." All of the boys laughed, respectively muttering small "you're right"s and "true"s.

"I saw her on a magazine cover the other day." You heard a whistle come out of one of the boy's mouths, the others giggling at the statement. You felt slightly insecure. You had always been told you were beautiful, but hearing Harry's friends rave about a supermodel that he 'should've gotten with' while he was in a relationship with you deterred your self confidence a good amount.

"I have a girlfriend" You heard Harry say. His tone was more playful than serious, as if he was just stating the fact rather than actually putting serious thought behind it. Regardless, you smiled lightly knowing that he was at least acknowledging your existence.

Mitch soon countered Harry's statement, "That's so boring." He simply stated. Soon after, you hear another deep voice that you couldn't recognize enforcine what Mitch said. "I agree with him. Ever since you started settling down, you've become so boring. What happened to the Styles who had girls lined up every stop of the tour?"

You frowned, Harry had mentioned his previous girlfriends, but had failed to mention anything about the string of one night stands that were apparently on his record. You'd met him when he was freshly 20 years old, and he was the first person you'd ever pursued a real relationship with.

"Bro, remember Lani?" Jeff says out of nowhere. You hear Mitch laugh before replying, "How could I forget?" Another one of the many boys in the room speaks out, "Who's Lani?"

You're wondering the same thing. So many topics Harry had never spoken to you about were all of a sudden being addressed.

"This hot girl from London. Harry and her-"

"Not now, Jeff" Harry urgently cuts him off, as if he doesn't want you to hear. You feel your heart beating faster and you start overthinking. Who was Lani? Did she and Harry have some sort of history?

"Nevermind" Jeff inquires, understanding what Harry was signaling.

"The point is, there are so many hot girls out there Harry. I don't know how you have the power to just reject all of them."

You were expecting him to stick up for you, to give a response about how he was in a committed relationship with you, about how he had enough respect and decency not to cheat on you. But instead, he replied with an all too plain.

"I don't know how I do it either."

You had never been the most secure person when it came to the way you were, you always worried you were being too clingy, or that you weren't enough for your friends or the people close to You. With Harry, those feelings couldn't help but be elevated due to his status and the number of girls who were willing to throw themselves at him. Regardless of your many insecurities, Harry had always assured you there was nothing to worry about, so how come you were feeling uneasy now?

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