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There's an unmistakeable must to the scent of his hair, salt from sea and stale sweat clinging to the strands of his unruly curls. You aren't deterred though. No, quite the opposite. He smells lived in and warm and there's just a hint of left over SPF that makes you nestle in closer, breathing in deeply as you press your nose to the curls perched upon your chest.

"Should shower," Harry mumbles and you hum your agreement, though neither of you makes a move toward the bathroom to your left.

"You smell good," you purr and you feel his grin against the pillow of your breast.

"I smell sweaty," he retorts.

"You smell like sunblock," you answer, as if that should explain it but he leans back to look at you bewildered.

"How's that a good thing?" he asks.

You just shrug with a teasing smile on your face, "I like that smell."

He rolls away in that moment, stretching and groaning when he stands next to the bed.

You whine your disapproval but he tuts at you, grabbing your arms that are reaching for him dramatically and tugging.

"C'mon, I won't hear the end of it if there's sand in the sheets tonight." Harry tells you, huffing his annoyance when you dead arm and close your eyes like you're sleeping. You can't hide it for long though and a slow smile creeps across your cheeks as you hear him sigh in exasperation.

"Suit yourself, you little..."

"Don't finish that," you warn, your eyes still closed so you miss him turn on his heel for the shower.

A moment later the sounds of water falling against the stark white tiles can be heard and you groan your annoyance at having to move from your spot. It's warm, but the ceiling fan whirs softly so that there's a heavenly breeze and he's a dick for making you abandon such a slice of heaven.

When you're finally stripped off he's fogged up the shower glass a fair amount and you frown while you pull a towel from the closet for you.

"Did you make it hot?" you ask as you pull the door open.

Harry's answer is garbled as he rinses the water from his face but you just make out the annoyed, "s'that supposed to mean?"

"I don't want a hot shower," you tell him.

"You can wait," he offers but he knows you won't.

In fact you're already nearly in, squeezing in behind him as he rinses the soap from his hair.

He grouses as he makes room for you to get under the spray, handing you your shampoo when you let the hot water cascade around your shoulders and through the strands of your tangled hair.

"Going to have to shampoo five times to get all this sand out," you complain and he chuckles in agreement.

His fingers swipe over the skin covering your sternum with a concerned look on his face, "You got a little burnt."

"Thanks a lot," you tell him sarcastically, lathering the shampoo through your hair and fixing him with a playful glare.

"Was only responsible for your back and shoulders, not my fault you forgot your chest," he shrugs, squirting some body wash onto a cloth that he wets behind you and rubbing it along his own chest.

You stand in silence for a few moments as you wash the remaining shampoo out and work some conditioner through the strands.

"Can I?" you ask softly and a honeyed smile spreads across his cheeks. Harry hands you the cloth and turns around so you can get his back, shivering at first at how softly you run it over his frame. When you've finished with the back you decide you want the pleasure of cleaning the front of him as well and direct him to turn around. He does so dutifully and lifts his arms so you have access to the entirety of him. You swipe over his upper thighs quickly and earn a twitch of his cock in return.

You eye him and he shrugs with a boyish grin.

"I'm not washing your balls."

He lets out a booming laugh and it reminds you of the fun you'd had with him all day, chuckling too as you finish the peripheral sweep over his arms one last time. He switches places with you to rinse off and you reach outside the shower for your own wash cloth, handing it to him to wet it as he continues to rinse.

You choose the body wash that smells like summer from your shelf and dole a larger than necessary amount out onto the cloth. Harry reaches for it to return the favor but you shake your head with a smile.

"Get out and change the sheets," you demand but it's playful.

Harry's answering groan of annoyance just makes you giggle and you know he's not too chuffed when he presses two pert kisses to the end of your dripping nose.

"Thanks for scrubbing me up," he winks and you return his smirk.

"Anytime, handsome."

It's a quick pinch to his bum that finally gets him moving, yelping in surprise and finally getting out of the way so you can rinse the soap from your own body.

When he's finally vacated the bathroom you take your time getting the conditioner out of your hair and finishing the rest of your shower routine. The lotion you choose after is a light, unscented one and you ruefully rub aloe vera into the few patches of sunburn that litter your chest. You hang your towel to dry and let the cool air of the bedroom finish drying your skin as you pull an older t shirt from one of Harry's drawers. A pair of sleep shorts is pulled from your own drawers and you pull both things hastily over your frame. You pad toward the bed to discover him pulling fresh pillowcases over your pillows, the bed covered in new sheets and your naked comforter scrunched near the end of the bed. He hands you one end and you help him get it outfitted in a clean cover as well. Fluffing it out so it lands softly over your clean sheets.

"Thank you," you tell him softly.

He hums, sounding annoyed but you see the small smile playing at his lip that tells you he's only joking.

You crawl under sheets that feel like butter against your freshly shaven legs as Harry does the same on his side and you both sigh collectively in relief. This is what you'd needed. The sun and the surf had been amazing but there's something to be said for crawling into cool clean sheets after a day like today.

Harry flicks on the television as you shoulder back against your pillows. Once you're comfortable he's right there, snuggling his head into your chest with a contented sigh. You hiss when he rubs against your sunburn and he apologizes quickly, kissing the area repeatedly until you tell him to shove off.

"Had the best day with you today, my love," he yawns, flicking mindlessly through your Netflix queue.

"So did I."

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