Under the Moonlight

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"Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?"

"Are you flirting with me?" Y/N asks Harry with a raise to her eyebrow. The two of them were invited to a rooftop party filled with fairy lights illuminating the area. Drinks and fancy food litter the place in separate bars for everyone to serve themselves and enjoy.

Harry and Y/N were standing on an isolated area of the party, drinks in hand while both of them leaned their elbows against the concrete of the balcony. The view of the city was stunning; skyscrapers towering over the smaller establishments, the sleek windows reflecting the building in front of it because of the glow of the moon.

"You finally noticed?" He chuckles, eyes drifting towards his hands which were fiddling with each other in anxiousness.

Y/N lets out a small gasp escape from her lips, hair framing the sides of her face. She faces the buildings in front of her. Her eyes scope out the landscape, unable to face Harry because of the heat radiating off of her face that was sure to bring a light blush to her cheeks. The air of the night was neither too humid to bring a twinge of pinkness or too cold to nip at the exposed skin.

"I mean it, by the way.' He continues after a pregnant pause. Harry lifts his glass to his puckered lips in awkward silence when Y/N keeps silent to herself. He could see a slight smile forming, forcing the apples of her cheeks to lift from the side profile she was giving him.

"Say something, please"

She clears her throat-to stall, she doesn't know- but one thing's for sure. Her heart was pounding hard enough that she could feel it reverberating to her rib cage, the butterflies in her stomach made her legs shift to stretch and contract. Her mind was fuzzy from the fruity cocktail she had downed earlier but she was convinced that was she was hearing right now was as true as ever.

"Y-you think I'm pretty?" Her voice sweet as honey reaches Harry's ears in a soft caress.

"Of course, you don't?" He questions curiously.

Y/N laughs at his words, "I do. Think 'm pretty decent,"

He laughs along with her, dimple indenting his cheeks. She was something, alright.

"I agree with that," He shuts his mouth instantaneously when Y/N looks at him directly. A smile on her face but her eyes spoke a million words that will never escape her lips.

"What are you trying to say here, H?" She asks curiously, leaving the glass on the concrete while she steps closer to him.

He notices her actions and gulps making his Adam's apple bob heavily on his throat. His neck cranes towards the tall buildings nervously, then to the woman standing in front of him.

"I like you, Y/N," He breathes out silently as if it was a secret. And it *had been a secret for quite some time now; he finally had the balls to spill after gulping down liquid courage. "More than a friend,"

"I know, silly" She chuckles.

"You knew?" He utters in surprise. She nods.

"You just told me," Y/N snorts, eyes squinting while she giggles at her humor.

Harry rolls his eyes playfully, "Well Ms. Y/L/N, what do you have to say for yourself?"

She hums in response, reaching for her drink and swirling the contents in a circular motion due to the actions of her wrist.

"'M thinking I like you too," She speaks softly but her face hardened, making Harry doubt her words. "More than a friend though. Hope that's okay,"

"You got me pissing in my pants, love" He states incredulously, hands reaching out steadily to touch her lower back. He pulls her closer to his body making her jolt in response and accidentally knocking his chin with the top of her head.

"Ouch!" Both of them say simultaneously.

"Finally!" A voice makes the pair split their upper bodies away from each other to see Nick and hearing his bellowed clapping. "Gotta say, that was quite a romantic confession but Styles, you had to go goof it up,"

"Sod off," Harry snickers before turning his attention back to Y/N. "Got the prettiest girl with me right now."


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