Cold feet

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"Harry! Quit touching me," Y/N whisper-shouts in the darkness. The light-wash curtains allowed creases of moonlight to slither through the peaks, illuminating just enough for Y/N to see Harry's mop of head cradled by the pillow.

He remained unbothered, only breathing a tad deeper despite Y/N hitting his shin with the soles of her feet as gently as she could because she knows that Harry had been experiencing pain in that area from his workouts. Silent snores released from his nostrils and his chapped lips parted in a damp separation that made an audible sound in the darkness of the room.

Y/N huffs while she jerks her head back on her cotton pillow. The softness of the object absorbing much of the frustrated force she had put into the action. She feels herself drift off into sleep again after a few minutes and she could literally taste the heavenly bliss of sleeping when a cold touch sends her reeling upright against the mattress.

"H, can you wake up please," She states quietly, not wanting to alarm him but still wanting him to be aware of her current dilemma.

Y/N's hand blindly reaches for his broad shoulder tilted towards her since his back was facing her front. She shakes him from his slumber and it has him rolling over in her direction almost to the point where he completely crushes her with his body.

"What's up, Y/N?" Harry's voice was gruff and heavy, sleep snaking through his tongue and making the sound an octave lower than usual. The tiredness in his body affected his voice as his tone barely changed at the end of the sentence.

"Quit touching me with your feet!'

He lifts his cheek from its position snuggled deeply into his own pillow.

"S'wrong with my feet?"

"Your feet are cold," Y/N pouts when Harry chuckles lazily at her complaint. Lids closing sluggishly at her and she knew that if he could, Harry would be rolling his eyes at her right now.

"'M sorry, lovie" He mumbles against the pillow. His energy had dwindled and he let his head mope its way back down against the object, making his apology barely audible to Y/N's ears.

Y/N shuffles back down so that her body is aligned for sleeping. She sighs restfully, finally being able to get some shut-eye without Harry's cold feet turning her own legs into icicles.

She could hear him snicker to himself. Before she could ask why, she felt his frosty flesh make contact with her warm ones and she squeaks in surprise, body whipping fast in his direction to scold him for doing that when she had profusely asked him not to.

"Ugh, why are you like this?"

"Like wha'?" His humor was funny to him since he was still letting out chuckles here and there.

"You're impossible," Y/N strays from the warmth she'd been collecting and grabs a pillow before letting her feet meet her slippers. She scoots her bum to the side of the bed, twisting her body to smack Harry was the pillow in her hand.


It was muffled, but she could hear it and she giggles prior to making her way to the guest bedroom.

"Hey, hey what are you- where are you going?" His eyes snap open when he heard the shuffling of Y/N's heavy feet on the hardwood.

"'M sleeping at the guest bed tonight," Her hands extend in front of her, hoping that she doesn't accidentally stub her toe onto something.

"Wait, 'm sorry Y/N," He says, hand balling up into a fist and knuckling against his lids in a cute manner. "'M serious this time,"


"Yeah, 'm gonna keep my cold feet to myself,"


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