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Harry hates Y/N.

Y/N hates Harry.

It's been like this since the fall semester started, and it's already well into the spring. Y/N is a freshman, discovering the ups and downs of college, one of the downs being Harry - a sophomore who thinks he runs the campus since he's in a fraternity with a pack of dogs. Literal dogs. They're all werewolves (including Harry), but Y/N doesn't know that; just knows she hates them all (except Duke who has pretty brown eyes and is always kind to her, much to the frat's dismay) because they are all douches, fucking girls left and right over the weekends when they would have parties. They only hate Y/N because they overheard her tell one of her friends, when they were walking by the house, that fraternities are cliché and predictable and so are the people who decide to join. It didn't sit right with them, especially Harry, so whenever they see her they try to make her life a living hell. Harry and two of the boys from the fraternity, Mike and Angelo, have a class with Y/N. Throughout, they tease her by sitting right next to her, or if they can't, they settle on balling tiny pieces of paper up and tossing it at her head, making her glare at them and they revel in it. She always try to leave class quickly, dashing out the door so she doesn't have to meet them face to face when she isn't required to by her curriculum. She doesn't even know why they're taking calculus, those meat heads.

The next day, she gets to class early to speak to the professor about the upcoming test. Usually, she likes stepping into the room at the last minute so she had little to slim chance of sitting next to Harry or the other two boys. However, today, she was nose deep in her notes, studying and highlighting what units to focus on for the test so she didn't even notice the boys sit next to her.

"What've you got here, nerd?" Mike snatches her notes, flipping through the pages and turning the spiral upside down, letting all the excess sticky notes fall out.

"Asshole!" She gives him a mean look, trying to keep her voice down so the professor wouldn't hear. She knew as a child to tell when someone was being mean to her, but in college, no one cares. She doesn't want to be the student who tattles to her professor about some mean boy. She gathers her notes, thankful that they dispersed on the desk and not the floor. "Can't you guys sit some place else?"

"Nah, we like it here." Harry throws his arm around her shoulder, using his other hand to rub his knuckles into her hair.

"You can leave though", Angelo pipes up.

"Maybe I will." Y/N stands up and begins putting her things into her backpack.

"Woah, calm down. Don't be so dramatic." Harry grabs her wrist, pulling her back down to sit.

"Dramatic? I'm being dramatic? You're the ones who started bothered me." She's still standing, looking between the three of them.

"Ever heard of a joke? Christ, you don't have to take everything to heart." Harry's still holding onto her wrist, Y/N's eyes flashing down and noticing. Harry jerks away, letting her hand fall before shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Nah, man, that's what chicks do. Go on, then." Angelo whistles at her, signaling for her to leave. She's about to but sees a mass of people enter the auditorium-like classroom. She sits back down, huffing while doing so. She sees a hint of a smile on Harry's face, but she doesn't really care. Just wants to get through the class without any teasing or bullying. The spring semester was about to be over anyway, and hopefully she won't have to see any of them ever again. Or at the very least, won't be stuck in a class with the rambunctious boys to be teased.

But for the hour and a half that she is in her calculus class, there's teasing: knocking her book off the desk or nudging her with an elbow when she's writing so she messes up, and it proper annoys her. Funny thing is that Harry doesn't do any of the teasing today, just the other two boys. He seems focus on the class, taking diligent notes. She watches his shoulder and back muscles contract as he writes. Something inside her stirs, and she immediately knows what it is. She's never found Harry attractive before, with all the bullying and whatnot, but now that he was silent - using his brain - and flexing his muscles as he writes? Well.. Y/N can't say it isn't hard to not squeeze her thighs together. She feels her cheeks heat, thankful she'd worn her hair down today as she looks away from him, her hair covering her face that she knows is turning red. Harry looks in her direction, past her to his friends and they smirk at each other. Right now they are thankful they can read each other's minds; a werewolf perk.

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