Harry in italy

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"It's fairly humid today." Harry confesses, brows scrunching as he lowers his sunglasses onto his face. He's wearing a plain white t - shirt, cream coloured trousers adorned on his legs. "I wish it was windy, it's proper stuffy." Yanking the collar of the shirt, he fans himself.

"Humidity is suffocating," you agree, taking a sip of your icy cold water. "Where should we go tomorrow?" You later say.

He finishes chewing the remains of his cucumber before replying. Finger resting on his bottom lip. "Central Rome or ... ," he wavers, forehead creasing. "Roma Termini," he pronounces, bopping his head.


"S'a train station." He reveals, having another bite of the fetta cheese. "But I think we should go to the Colosseum tomorrow. Be a tourist and stop at random restaurants or cafe's. Buy some gelato...That'd be fun, wouldn't it?" He raises his glasses again so you can see the arch of his brows. "I can't be a tourist in England or the U.S. so I might as well be one here. "

"Harry - ,"

He shakes his head. "S'fine." Forcing out the words. A hidden tone for the subject to be dropped. "Do you have any ideas of what we could do?" You fish in your bag for your phone, unlocking it to show him the Google pictures you saved of a town named Frascati. Clutching your phone, he slides the images. "Oh wow, that's gorgeous. Where's that?"

"The south - east. I think we could take a train there." You inform him as he pays attention to the device sitting in his hands.

"It looks like a proper town; a beautiful place to visit." He suddenly groans. "Now I want to go there."

"Let's compromise; we could go there tomorrow and see the Colosseum the day after. How about that? Or vice versa. What do you want to do?" Harry feels a pinch in his heart. After all this time, he's not used to you asking what he wants. After eight years of putting others first, he finally gets a choice in making decisions.

"As long as I have you by my side, I don't mind."

"And the world's cheesiest award goes to...Drum roll, please." Harry rolls his eyes yet he counters your statement by thrumming his fingers against the cafe table and a grin on his face. "...Harry Styles!!"

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