Ashton Irwin is hitting on you.

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Hey there." I heard Ashton's voice chime from across the room. I turned to face him because I thought he was speaking to me but my eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw him speaking to Y/F/N Y/L/N.

Y/N has been my biggest celebrity crush for several years now and there she was sitting face to face with one of my best mates. I tried to swallow down the jealousy rising up in my throat but I couldn't help it. I desperately wanted to be the one right across from her instead of Ashton.

I sat on the couch from across the room and fixated on Y/N while Ashton spoke to her. Occasionally she chuckled at some cheesy jokes Ashton made and with every bit of laughter I heard, the more I wanted to be the source of her laughter.

I really love Ashton. He's like a brother to me, but right now I want to push him off the couch.


It was late in the night and the show finally came to an end. I was in my bunk, still riding off of the adrenaline I got when I was on stage and the lads backstage were talking about dumb things they did on stage. Somehow the conversation switched from Niall talking about how he fell on his ass to of course the main topic any group of guys talk about; girls.

I stood as silent as I possibly could while they all began to talk about a few attractive girls in the crowd but somehow the conversation switched to Y/N.

"You guys know that singer Y/F/N Y/L/N right?" Ashton said and everyone nodded. I could nearly hear the grin plastered across Ashton's face when he spoke up about how he was speaking to her earlier today and how he got her laughing. He then continued to speak about how she was going to take her younger sister to a show tomorrow. This was my chance. I then heard him say he really fancied her and wanted to take her out for a date.

When I heard him speak about dating her I nearly began choking which would surely give away the fact that I was listening to the conversation. I shook my head and began to plan how I was going to swoop in and talk to her tomorrow before Ashton even got the chance to. No hard feelings, but there was no way I could allow him to ask her out.


There she was. Her long hair flowing past her shoulders and her eyes fixated on her cellphone. She scrolled her thumb down the screen and occasionally smiled at the words on the screen.

Before I approached her, I scanned the room to check to see if Ashton was anywhere to be found and thankfully, he wasn't. This really was my chance.

I headed over to the couch she was sitting on and I tried to piece together something that would strike up a conversation. My mind seemed to go blank and I wanted to slap myself for just sitting here like a creep.

She peeled her eyes from her phone and offered me a small smile and I swore my heart could've melted right then and there.

"Hey." She said sweetly. Her speaking voice was just as wonderful as her singing voice. "Hello." I said politely and she placed her phone down on the seat and held out her hand. "I'm Y/N." I returned the favor and shook her hand. "Harry."

She smiled, "I already know who you are." I couldn't help but smile and she continued to speak, "I saw you guys perform last night and you were wonderful." I could feel my cheeks heat up and I thanked her. I told her how I saw her perform live when I had a break from touring. We then began chatting about our careers and we told one another funny stories about being on tour. She was one of the easiest people to talk to.

We must've been chatting for over 3 hours because before I knew it Lou was in the room telling me to begin getting ready for the show. I nodded at her request and Lou left the room. I said goodbye to Y/N and proceeded to head out the door but before I did I gathered up all of my courage and asked her if she wanted to go on a date with me sometime. She nodded her head yes almost immediately and I felt like jumping for joy.

"Harry," she began and I was hoping she wasn't going to change her mind. "Would you like to exchange numbers?" I felt the worry that was building up inside of me fly away and I headed over to her to put my number into her phone. She did the same with mine and I said goodbye to her.

I couldn't help but smile to myself as I walked into the dressing room where Lou was waiting for me.

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