Happy Anniversary

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Balancing two cups of coffee and a yellow folder in your hands, you stride off the lift and onto the 30th floor of your building. Your own office is just two floors below on the 28th, but you have a meeting scheduled on this floor in about twenty five minutes and you thought it would be nice to surprise your husband before you head to the conference room together. To maintain your professional image at work, both of you don't make it a habit to pop into each other's office even though you work in the same building unless it's absolutely necessary, but today you thought you'd make an exception since it's your anniversary after all. And you sure he wouldn't mind.

Hell, you know he'd be elated.

You gracefully navigate through a sea of cubicles, stopping for a second here and there to greet back some of your colleagues as you make your way to Harry's office in the corner. He got the corner office a little over two years ago after he got full equity partnership, and God, you love Harry's office. There's not much of a difference regarding the interior with yours, but the view is ten times more spectacular.

You stop as you hear your name being called, and as you glance to your right, you see his secretary smiling at you. "Hi! Happy anniversary!"

"Thanks Claire," you smile back at her. "Is Harry in?"

She nods. "He's got a conference call earlier but I think he's done now."

"I'll be quiet just in case then," you reply, walking past her. "See you!"

You shut the door with care and slowly turn the lock as you enter Harry's office. You can see that he's frowning ahead in that silent way he gets when his brain is dealing with some huge, knotty problem, but as he looks up from his computer and sees you, the frown immediately turns into a grin. "Hi wifey."

"Hey," you feel a pleased little smile coming to your lips as you creep along the edge of his desk until you're in front of him, turning around for a second to set the cups of coffee and your folder on the table. "Got you some coffee, thought you'd need it."

"Thank you my love," he reaches out, curling both of his hands around your hips. When he looks up at you, he's smirking. "I think we both do."

His eyes are sparkling as he licks his lips, scanning the length of your body. Without a doubt reminiscing last night after you tucked your little girl in bed and had a little pre-anniversary celebration right there on your kitchen island.

It still gives you jolt sometimes, the way he's looking at you, as if he's looking at a breathtaking piece of artwork. You feel like you'll never get used to it even after four years of marriage and two years of being together prior to that. It never fails to make your heart skip a beat every single bloody time.

It's not much help, the fact that he's in a suit. You see him in a suit every day yet it never gets old. Whoever invented the phrase 'a man in a suit is to a woman what a woman in lingerie is to a man' is brilliant and you can't agree more with them. Your favourite piece of clothing on him is a long sleeved button-up shirt, and you're pretty sure it has something to do with your attraction to your husband's shoulders. There's just something with the way they look when he's taking it off - and how much you enjoy unbuttoning it. And when you layer a coat on top of that, it's like getting to enjoy it twice. Like a very beautifully wrapped gift that you just can't wait to rip open.

You choose his left thigh to sit on, the one with a tiger tattoo hidden underneath his black trousers. Your favourite thigh. His face is only inches away from yours, you can just smell the scent of his Armani aftershave and hear the crisp cotton rustle of his shirt as he moves.

"Happy anniversary," he mumbles against your cheek. His lips warm against your skin, and you can feel he's smiling as he layers kisses down your jawline.

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