Interview with the boys

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You had woke at about 8 am to the sound of the shower running, along with the feeling of a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, not for you but for Harry. Today was the day that you were going to watch your boyfriend Harry of 9 months be interviewed on live television with Louis, Zayn, Niall & Liam.

You leaned over and glanced at the clock. You guys were supposed to be at the studio at 11. It was 9 at the moment. You sat up in bed until Harry got out of the shower. About 5 minutes later the sound of running water finally stopped.

He came out wearing only a towel which was draped around his hips. It was quite low and you couldn't help but admire his body as he headed for his closet, not realizing you were awake. You continued staring, he was gorgeous and the way the light was hitting his every feature left you in awe. How did I get so lucky... you thought quietly to yourself. After a few moments he dropped the towel to put on his boxers and he soon turned around and saw you staring and said, "Are you checking me out?" He lifted one of his eyebrows. "Possibly..." You said. He smirked and continued to put on his clothes. You finally pulled yourself out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. You began washing your face and brushing your teeth and soon you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist from behind. He rested his chin on your shoulder as you continued to wash up. He had on a pair of tight pants and was still shirtless. "Excuse me sir, but I have to take a shower now and I suggest you continue getting dressed." You said as you dried your face. "But I want to watch!" He whined as he slid his hands onto your hips. Normally you wouldn't object, he usually would join you in the shower. But at the moment, you were too nervous to be fooling around. "Not now babe, I'll make it up to you. I promise." You said as you stood on your tippy toes kissing his forehead. He crossed his arms over his chest and stomped out of the bathroom jokingly. You chuckled and closed the door proceeding to the shower.


After you had finished your shower you found yourself alone in the room. Harry had told you to dress up because he had a feeling they'd call you out. So you opened your closet doors and pulled out your favorite black dress which was tight at the top but flows towards the bottom which ended about halfway down your thigh and you paired it along with your favorite red heels. You put on some eyeliner & mascara. Then curled your hair and headed down the stairs.

Harry was sitting in the living room watching TV as you came down the stairs. He sat there silently looking at you in pure awe. He finally got up and said, "Baby girl, you look stunning." His arms wrapped around your waist and his forehead was pressed against yours. "So do you." You said as you kissed his lips softly. You absolutely adored when Harry would get dressed up, it turned you on honestly. A few moments later his phone went off and he said, "That's the driver. He said to come outside." You both headed outside and into the back of the limo. All the guys were in there along with Danielle. The other girlfriends couldn't make it so it was just the 7 of you. Soon the driver pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road.


About 30 minutes later you arrived at a studio. You were brought in through the back entrance because of all the fans who were crowding around the front.

The interviewer greeted his audience and then said, "Now I know none of you are here for me. You're all here for One Direction, so let's bring them out!" Harry gave you a quick kiss before heading out to the stage along with the guys. They all sat down on the couch and the girls went crazy.

"Welcome to the show!" The interviewer beamed, "Thank you for having us!" Louis said as he flashed his signature smile. The interview started off very simple, the guys were goofing off and being asked about their tour and album.

Then they started getting off topic. The guys were telling tour stories and Harry said about how Danielle & Liam were caught making out several times in the back lounge. Liam blushed hard and looked at Danielle who was standing next to you backstage. You all chuckled and then Liam said, "Oh please Harry. You & Y/N are even worse. You're both so loud when she comes on tour with us! You do realize that we can hear you both right?" You turned bright red and so did Harry. He looked over at you and mouthed, "Sorry." You stuck your tongue out at him and he giggled. "Wait," the interviewer began, "Is your girlfriend here now Harry?" He nodded. "Well bring her out! I don't want just you to be publicly humiliated, let her share some blame! In fact, bring out all the girlfriends if they're here." You and Danielle looked at each other and headed towards the stage. The crowd cheered and everyone moved over so there was room for all of you to sit. Harry grabbed your hand and played with your fingers while the interviewer greeted you both. "So, you're the loud one huh?" He said jokingly to you. You giggled and said, "I don't feel comfortable answering that because I think my family is watching." They all chuckled.

Towards the end of the interview, one of the girls from the audience screamed, "Harry!" And you said jokingly to the guys, "I don't care what any of you say..I may be somewhat loud but not as loud as these girls." Everyone started laughing and you bit your lip forgetting you were on television. The show drew to a close and you all were escorted out the back yet again. Despite all the fun as you had, you couldn't wait to get home and snuggle up next to your perfect boyfriend.

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