How you sleep together

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With legs intertwined during your deepest form of innocence, you and Harry laid next to each other. The tranquility of your bedroom filled your senses and made the night peaceful as usual.

Harry's arm was curled around your shoulder as you laid pressed up against his shirtless body. Your fingertips would occasionally graze along the marks of ink on his torso and he'd just watch you with a look of sheer amusement across his face. When you were exhausted you would just simply bury your face into the crook of his neck and plant one quick kiss to it before slowly drifting to sleep.

When Harry was tired you could tell immediately by the look on his face. His once alert features would drop, his movements would be limited and before you knew it, he would be asleep. His arm would protectively stay wrapped around your shoulder though and if you ever stirred in the night, he would make sure your body was still next to his.

During the course of the night you both would change sleeping positions but you both made sure that you were both physically touching one another. Harry loved the warmth of your bodies laying skin to skin. He could listen to your heartbeat this way and he could also hear you breathe lightly in the night hours. His arm would sometimes come out from your shoulder and would rest on your hip or torso. He would pull you into his body and you could feel his radiating warmth glimmer off like a sun.

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