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"Daddy," his son spoke up, eyes wide as he calls for his father. The miniature Styles was dressed in a bright orange tank top and light grey shorts; it was summer after all.

"Yeah?" Harry looked up from his phone, locking the object and shoving it aside as he paid attention to his son. There's something about the way the little boy called for his father, that made him suspicious. Noah, always used that specific tone, for when he wanted something.

"Can we get a puppy?" He smiled, his father's dimples making an appearance on his cheeks. Jutting out his lower lip, he pouted once seeing his father narrow his eyes. "Please!"

"I don't know," Harry admitted. There was no space for a dog.

"Ooooh I want a puppy!!!!" Harry's daughter popped out of nowhere, standing beside her brother, clad in a sundress. "Puppies are soooooo cute and small, I want one. Daddy, please."

Harry huffed. His daughter was his ultimate weakness. If you ever wanted anything from him, just put the little girl in front of him and make her ask...He'd give you anything your heart desires.

He sighed, eyes darting from his son to his daughter. "I'll have to talk to your mum."

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