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I heard my alarm ring making me groan. I just threw that annoying thing around the room and slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the ceiling, gaining my energy and then got up. I wore my flip flops and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and washed my hair too. I used the strawberry shampoo today. After getting rid of all the sleepiness in the shower, I walked out all fresh and clean.

I then opened my closet and started looking for an outfit to go with my today's mood which was quite bubbly. I picked out a sky blue hoodie and black skinny jeans. I also wore black leather jacket upon the hoodie to give a look and also protect myself from the cold. I head to my brother's room to wake him up. I opened the door and saw that pig sleeping with his mouth wide open.

"Yah stupid pig, get up!" I poked his cheek.

"Noona stop disturbing me!" He whined.

"Get up sleepy heads, it's already 9 in the morning." I told him.

"Hm 5 minutes more noona" He groaned.

I sighed before speaking again, "You better get up right now if you don't want to shower in cold water in your bed!"

With the warning of mine, he shot up straight and looked at me, "What good morning it is right?" He threw sarcasm at me.

I just smacked his head and turned around. "Get ready for school. I'll get your breakfast ready" I told him

I closed the door behind me and started walking downstairs. I entered the kitchen and started making batter for pancakes. We have our weekly breakfast menu ready and today, it was pancakes. Till I'm making pancakes, let me introduce myself.

I'm Lee Y/n, 21 years old girl. I am daughter of a mafia but I hate those stuff. Blood, fights and wounds all over yourself. Yucks! My family have 4 members, mom, dad, my brother and myself! I finished my high school last year. I still don't know what to do in the future so I took a year gap before joining any university. For now, that's it.

The pancakes were almost ready yet that idiot brother of mine wasn't down. "Yah Kyun Du-ya! Come down fast!" I yelled from down.

"On my way noona! Wait a minute!" I heard him yell back.

Till then, I served the pancakes with some maple syrup along with blue berries. I heard footsteps coming down. I placed the plates on the dining table and turned around. Look at the baby. Ugh, hair all messy, tie hanging around his neck, shirt half tugged. I shook my head while walking towards him. I pulled his tie making him choke a bit.

"You're still a baby who can't get dressed without me." I stated while I was tying the tie.

"And you're still a baby who finished her high school and still can't get a single boyfriend" He talked back.

I glared at him and said, "So what?! I'm waiting for my prince charming!"

"Yeah he's going to come out of heaven and pick you up. You also have to show some efforts" He told me.

"Ugh whatever. Just fill your mouth shut with the pancakes." I said and looked at him for one last time.

Now he looks like my handsome brother. We both sat down on the table and started digging into our food while talking about his school, mom and dad, and my future which is not yet seen. Once we were done, Kyun Du went to his room to get his bag and other stuff and I kept the dishes in the sink when my phone started ringing.

I looked at the caller id and saw it was from mom. I quickly answered it with a smile on my face.

"Hello my beautiful mother! A very good morning to you!" I chirped.

She just laughed at my bubbliness, "My daughter! How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Just about to murder your son! He can't get ready for once! I have to get him ready like I'm his mother" I complained.

"Aigoo. That's good then. It can help you in future when you have your own baby" She told me making me blush.

"MOM!" I whined.

"Okay okay. I'll stop. I just called you to inform that you both should come to our house. Your dad and I have to talk to you about something." She informed me.

"Oh really? Okay I'll tell him to get ready" I said.

"Okay then. I'll hang up now. Drive safe" She told me and hung up.

"Yah Kyun Du! Get changed we have to go to mom and dad!!" I yelled while walking to the sink.

"In 10 minutes!" He answered me.

I wore gloves and started doing the dishes. I was not going to get ready because I like the way I'm dressed for today. I will just take my bag and phone and leave with Kyun Du. About 15 minutes later, I was done with the dishes. I removed the gloves and washed my hands before walking upstairs to my room. I took my purse and phone which was full charged now.

I then went to Kyun Du's room to check if he's ready. I opened the door of his room and saw him in a black polo shirt with blue jeans and backward cap. He was wearing his watch.

"Good that you're ready. Lock the door and check all the lights till I get the car from garage" I ordered him as he nodded.

I walked down and head outside. The sun was covered with clouds and the cold wind was blowing my hair. I went into the garage and unlocked the car. I got onto the driver's seat and inserted the key and started the engine. I pressed the accelerator and drove to the front gate. I saw Kyun Du locking the door as I turned to radio on.

The door opened and Kyun Du sat on the seat beside me. "Let's go" He said as I started driving to the main road. We were singing songs and dancing a little on the way to our parent's house. It takes about 20-24 minutes to reach. I slowed the car as I entered the main gate of our parent's house. I step on the breaks and parked the car beside a black BMW which is not our parent's.

Is a guest here? Could be. We both got out of the car and head to the entrance. We were greeted by Miranda, the head of the house maids. "Good morning young master and miss" She bowed to us. "It's Y/n!! It's been years since I'm telling you this!" I scolded her making her smile. "Okay Y/n" She corrected. "That's better" I chuckled and walked further inside.

I saw mom and dad sitting on the couch with a man around dad's age and two other guys who I guess are his sons, were sitting opposite. We walked to the mom and dad. Mom got up and came to us.

"Oh my children. It's been so long since I last saw you!" Mom exclaimed.

"Mom you just saw us last Sunday!" Kyun Du said.

I bowed to the three new people as two of them smiled. Once guy caught my attention. He had black hair gelled perfectly. He was wearing a black shirt and off white pants with reddish brown belt. He had watch on one wrist and silver bracelet on another. He looks breath taking. I sat down beside mom.

"So mom, dad. What did you wanted to talk to us?" I asked curiously.

Dad cleared his throat before speaking, "Well what we are going to tell you now, could be- no is very shocking for you. First listen to me and then react"

I looked at Kyun Du and then back at dad. I nodded, signaling him to continue further.

"Okay, Y/n your mom and I decided to get you married" He told me.

"Oh I'm getting mar- WHAT THE HELL? I'm getting married?" I said shocked. 


[I am now posting all the edited parts. There might be some scene you didn't had before so bear with me. Thank you for your love till now]

Guys its my 1st fan fiction so please support me

Love you all 💜💜💜💜

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