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One morning

I was woke up by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to be blinded by the brightness of sun. I took some second to adjust to the light and looked at the person. It was Taehyung.

"Oh Taehyung. Good morning... Do you need anything?" I asked him.

"Good morning to you too. I don't need anything but I just wanted to tell you that I got a call from my other best friend." He told me.

I got up and sat up while he sat beside my legs.

"So?" I waited for him continue.

"Nothing special. She told me that she will be here around 10 so can you please make something good for breakfast?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

'She? His best friend is a female? Is she pretty? She would be of course.' I thought.

"O-Okay. I'll make." I gave him a tight smile.

He smiled and got up. He closed the door and I also got up. I went to bathroom and took a warm shower. I went to my closet and opened searching for a good outfit to put my impression on that girl. I found a perfect outfit.

I wore it and looked in the mirror. I tied my hair into messy pony and applied pinkish lipstick. I then went downstairs and heard laughs and giggles. I head to the living and saw Taehyung sitting with girl too closely.

"Hello" I spoke up grabbing both of their attention.

"Oh heyy" She smiled at me which seem forced to me.

"You must be Taehyung's best friend right? I'm Y/n" I introduced myself.

She got up and eyes me up and down. She had that evil smirk I saw in drama. I got chills from her. She tilted her head and offered a hand shake.

"Yes you're right. I'm Kim Jennie. You must be his... wife" She said in quite disgust?

"I'll make breakfast. You can catch up on things" I said and went to the kitchen.

I was cooking something delicious. I wanted to look as much perfect as I could. I didn't had good vibes from Jennie. From time to time, I was looking at both of them to only see them leaning and getting touchy with each other.

She would give me a smile which meant 'be aware girl'. Anger taking over me, I broke the spoon in my. Okay calm down Y/n. It's fine. She is her best friend so she can me touchy. He said he loves you and did everything he could for you. Don't doubt him.

I was done cooking so I call the two to eat breakfast. They came to the dining table and sat in front of me, together. I pork my cheek with my tongue because I felt jealous. I admit I am jealous. I admit it. Which wife would like any other girl touchy and so close to her husband?

And how can she flirt with my husband like that! AND! IN-FRONT-OF-ME!! HIS-WIFE!

They didn't complimented about the food, not even Taehyung. Instead, he was complimenting her new hair style and color. What's up with him? Did he forgot his wife after meeting his best friend? Wow I'm so proud of you Kim Taehyung. I slammed my spoon on the table, flinching them and stood up.

"What's wrong? Do you need something from inside?" Taehyung asked me.

'Oh so now he notice my existence?' I thought while scoffing.

"Nothing. Just continue complimenting her hair" I sarcastically said.

I then stomp off to my room and slammed the door too loud. I jumped on the bed and buried my face in the pillow. In few seconds, I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and opened the door to see Jennie standing in front of me with her hands crossed.

"I know you're jealous babe but that's what I have to do... make you jealous" she said while taking small steps inside my house.

"Can you take you flirty ass down and continue flirting with other's husband. I need time alone" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah take your own sweet time and watch him getting away from you. Just wait till Taehyung is mine" she whispered the last sentence in my ear.

I looked at her to see her smirking. She winked at me in victory and walked out while closing the door. My eyes landing on the ground but to only see blur because of the tears.

I bite my lips in anger till I tasted my own blood. I angrily removed all my clothes and went to the bathroom. I turn the tap on and cold water started running into the bathtub. I sat in it as my body shivered.

I felt some of my anger calm as I was in the tub. After some time, I got up and wiped my body. I was now all calmed down. I wore the same dress and heard the main door close. Did she left? Maybe.

I decided to get some water. I opened the door and saw a figure in front of me.

"AHH!! You scared me Taehyung!" I yelled.

He just looked at me without any emotion. Is he now sad that his best friend went home? Wahhhh

"Move out of my way." I said slightly pushing him aside.

I walked passed him but he held my wrist and turned me around harshly and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden?"

"What did I do?" I asked bored.

"Why did you walked from the breakfast like that?" His grip on my wrist tightened.

"Because I was full and I'm still not over the mood swings! Now leave me" I answered and then tried to remove my hand from his grip.

"Mood swings? Just tell me the truth Y/n!?!" He raised his voice as well as the grip on my wrist which started hurting now.

"A-Ack... T-Taehyung leave my wrist, you're hurting me." I winced.

"I said tell me WHY WERE YOU LIKE THAT BEFORE?!!" He shouted and hit my last nerve.

I harshly yanked my hand making him shock.

"That's it. I'm done now... you're hurting me for no reason" I warned him.

"Then just tell me the reason" he said coldly.

I took a deep breath and said, "BECAUSE I WAS JEALOUS!"

"Jealous of what huh?" he asked sarcastically.

"The way she was looking at you, the way she looked at you, the way she was flirting with you and the fact that she did this all in front of me, your wife!" I explained frustrated.

"Why do you have to be jealous?" He questioned raising his eyebrow.

"Because I LOVE YOU!" I yelled but just then my eyes widen.

What did I just blurted out...

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