Pregnancy News.

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"Oh I'm gonna be a fa- WHAT?! I'M GONNA BECOME A FATHER? In means like, Y/n's pregnant?" Taehyung yelled.

I nodded shyly as he picked me up. I held his shoulder as others laughed.

"Thank you so much! Thank you so much" He started crying.

He placed me down and hugged me, burring his face in my neck which was getting by his tears but I didn't mind it.

"Why are you crying TaeTae? It's a happy moment baby" I patted his back in comfort.

"I-I'm just t-too happy" he sobbed making me tear up too. "Shh... Don't cry" I hugged him back.

"Congratulation noona!" Kyun Du and Jungkook said together.

I broke the hug and smiled at then while Taehyung intertwined our hands. People started congratulating us but Taehyung never let go off my hand.

We all ate dinner and chatted for hours until Taehyung's friends and Bangtan decided to leave. Mom also said that she and Kyun Du should go. That idiot had date with Lisa.

Taehyung's mom told that she would leave tomorrow. Dad had some work so he couldn't come. Taehyung decided to drop mom home tomorrow morning.

I looked at the clock and it was almost 11 in the night. Gosh how fast does time goes. I washed the dishes while Taehyung was cleaning the living room. We made mom sleep early. She did almost everything at lunch and helped me since she was here.

After we were done, we both went upstairs to our room. I took a shower first and then Taehyung did. I laid on the bed waiting for Taehyung so we could cuddle. I was tired today.

I heard the bathroom door open as Taehyung exit. He smiled at me and crawled on the bed. I wrapped my hands around his waist while he pulled me closer.

"Baby. I love you so much. Never think I don't love you. Now that we have a mini you or me on the way, I'll take care of you more than before." Taehyung started speaking.

"You don't have to. Just staying the way you are now is more than enough. You have work, plus my mood swings won't be great so it's fine" I looked up at him.

"I'm your man love. I can handle anything you give me even the mood swings" He showed me his muscles making me chuckle.

"Okay okay. Do as you like. Doctor said I can do anything I like till I'm in 4th month. Since then I should start taking more care of myself" I told him.

"Tell the doctor, I have a caring husband who won't let me even move my finger after 4th month" He said proud of himself.

"Aigoo my big baby... sleep now. You have to drop mom tomorrow. We can go on date later then" I told him and closed my eyes.

"I love you Y/n" He said with so many feelings in it and kissed my head.

"I love you too honey" I replied to him. 

Next morning.

I spread my hand to hug Taehyung but there was nothing but the sheets. I opened my eyes and saw he was not there. Where is he? I slowly got up and wore my slippers. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10 in the morning. Wow I slept really long.

I went downstairs to search him to only find him in the kitchen. I ran up to him.

"What are you doing?!" I asked him.

"Firstly baby, stop shouting and second, I'm cooking breakfast for us" He told me calmly.

"I know but why? I can do it" I informed him.

"No you can't. You should rest. You're pregnant" He scolded me while he was flipping the egg.

"But doctor said I can work for more few months? Why can't I cook?" I whined.

"No means no. And about your work, you can do it from home. I'll talk to your boss. No going out" he told me.

My mouth went open in disbelief. I'm just pregnant!! It's not like I've been injured badly...

"Taehyung-ahh... I can go to work! I'm fineeeee. I'm not even showing!" I said while showing my stomch.

"Y/n, don't me shout at you. I'm very angry. Listen to me. I'm doing it for no one but our baby and you. Go take a bath, breakfast is almost ready." He gave me a cold look.

I glared at him before running upstairs.

"Don't run young lady!!" Taehyung yelled from down which made me groan!!!

I took a bath and wore pink dress with flower petal design. I tied a half bun and walked downstairs. I saw Taehyung plating the table in apron which made him look hot.

"You look really hot my husband" I complimented him.

He looked at me with his cheeks tinted pink. I giggled at his reaction. I sat down and we started eating. He was already in his clothes to go out so we took out phones and walked out.

Taehyung told me that he would take me on a normal date and I was more than happy. We went to coffee shop to only get me juice and Taehyung oreo mcflurry. That shit looks so delicious but I'm only gonna get scolded about how coffee is not good for me.

We took a walk in the park nearby and then sat on the bench.

"Taehyung-ah... what would've happened if we never met?" I suddenly asked a question.

He looked at me for a second and started thinking, "Why is it so hard to not think of a life without you?" He winked at me making me laugh.

"I mean I can't imagine. There's just this black screen in front of me while thinking of this question." He held my hand in his.

This warmth of his hand is really precious. One touch from him is enough to make me remove any fake emotions I have and be the real me. Maybe this is the power of love?

I looked at Taehyung who was feeling the breeze with his eyes closed. I smiled while admiring him. What would happen if we never loved each other? Would we get divorced? Then I'm glad we fell in love.

I can never leave this man. Even if I had to give up everything and anything, I would still do it if it means to be with him. He is just... he completes me like no one else.

We then went to movie and had lunch and came home. It was quite memorable day for me. All the day I couldn't stop staring at him. It was like, no matter how much I admired him, I couldn't have enough of him. 

Next day

Taehyung again made the breakfast and after then went to work. While I was all alone in the house. He even cleaned the rooms so I couldn't be left with any work. I'm now eating a bucket of chocolate ice cream while crying my eyes out at the last episode of Moon Lovers. [I sign an invisible petition for S2 of Moon Lover!!]

Later, I finally made lunch by myself and started eating but that's when I saw this man in black clothes staring at me. I froze at place. He must've noticed me looking at him that he ran away. I felt these goosebumps appear on my skin.

I took my phone and dialed Taehyung's number. I almost called him but then I remembered that he must be busy. He won't let me be alone like this anymore instead give me bodyguards.

I kept my phone down and continue eating while watching some entertainment shows. After eating, I went to my room slept.

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