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"So you're awake now" I heard someone say.

I looked up as my eyes widen.

"Y-You?!" I stuttered.

"Surpriseee~" For a second, I remembered Taecyeon from Vincenzo but this is not the time to think of dramas. [Did you'll watch Vincenzo? Since the drama, I'm cursing in Italian and my family is like – Was Korean not enough for you to speak in Italian...]

"Why did you kidnapped me Jennie?" I asked her maintaining my coldness.

But inside I was trembling in fear. I never liked these type of places and being in this position didn't helped at all.

[Author-nim is sorry for making Jennie the villain here but hey... it's not reality is it? Don't hate me... My heart is, my heart is oh my god! So sensitive]

"Why but?! You are Taehyung's best friend!" I raised my voice a bit.

"You really think I was just a friend? Okay I was! But not from my side. I always liked Taehyung. Since the day I laid my eyes on him, he became like my obsession. I started loving him" She told me.

"Y-You loved him?" I stuttered.

She came closer to me and held my jaw in her hand, "Yes. Ever since high school. But he married you. He told me he didn't loved you and will divorce you but look how the tables turned. He used me to make you confess... Tss" She pushed my face back.

"He never loved you and remember, he will never" I gritted through my teeth.

I know it's not beneficial to talk back to your kidnapper but her words just angered me so much. How can she talk like this to me!?

A slap was landed on my cheek.

"Aww it hurts little bitch!" I hissed in pain. "What?" She punched me in the face.

This is really a movie scene. Just wait until I am free. I'll show you what it's like to fight. I thought while smirking.

"You don't know how much it hurts to see the one you love, love someone else. You're even carrying his baby. Just wait until Taehyung is mine and this baby is... gone." She said and went out of the room.

"This bitch really thinks she can kill me? Hah! Taehyung will come in no time to save me. Just wait until I kill you myself!" I cursed at her.

Taehyung's POV

"Hyung! We found her!!" Jungkook shouted making me shot up from my chair.

Finally! After three days! I stood beside Jungkook while others came too.

"Where is my noona?" Kyun Du asked impatiently.

Yeah we called him and told him everything but also warned him not to tell anyone from the family.

"She's out of Seoul. In an abundant building with... two men a girl?" he told us confused.

"It's fine. We can save her. Hyung get all the guards and weapon. We have a war to fight" I said through my teeth.

Everyone was busy in preparing while I couldn't stop worrying about Y/n. I just hope Y/n and the baby are fine.


It's been 2 days since I am here. No one is here to help me. Taehyung where are you? Please save me faster be-

My thoughts were cut off when the door opened. A man with Jennie following him entered.

"How are you little Y/n?" He smirked. "Good until you came" Sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

"Don't worry. You'll be good again when you meet your father up there." He said while his eyes darkened.

"What? You're gonna kill me?" I asked them not interested.

"Of course. We were going to kill your mom too but she unfortunately didn't got injured. If only the hit was more harder." He smirked as my eyes widen.

"Y-You killed my father?" I asked now really emotional.

"Who else would... Because of him I was in jail for almost 20 years. Never home with my daughter and it was all because of that jerk. Now that he's gone, how about we kill his family too?" He played with the gun which he removed.

"WHO ARE YOU OLD HAG!" I yelled but Jennie slapped me.

"Don't you dare raise you voice at my father." She gritted.

I scoffed and pushed her back and got up. Her dad unfortunately caught her. I started running towards the door but couldn't because of the bump. It was hard to run and when Jennie pushed me to the side suddenly pained my stomach.

There was pain occurring in my stomach but it was bearable. She raised her hand to slap me and instinctly I closed my eyes.

"Don't you dare lay your hand on my wife" A cold yet warm voice was heard.

I opened my eyes and looked at the door. There was Taehyung and others. I smiled through my tears. I will be finally out of this hell.

"Tae" I whispered. "Shut up bitch!" She kicked my leg making me fall back again.

"You are so dead now" Taehyung spoke and walked inside.

"Guards" Out of nowhere 20-30 people came and started attacking BTS.

There was fight broken which would've look really good in movies but it was reality. I saw Taehyung coming towards me. I slowly got up to only be pushed back which made my stomach hit the floor.

"Ahh!" I yelped in pain.

My stomach was now hurting too much. Taehyung was held back by Jennie's men. Jennie walked towards me while smirking.

"Taehyung-ah... You made a big mistake coming here. You have to face the consequences" She said with evil dripping out her mouth.

My eyes widen as I saw her smirking at me. I shook my head while crying. No Jennie please no... 


Ohh yeah you wanna know about what happened right?

I'll tell you'll in the next part... Till then wait 😏😉

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