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"Taehyung-ah... You made a big mistake coming here. You have to face the consequences" She said with evil dripping out her mouth.

My eyes widen as I saw her smirking at me. I shook my head while crying. No Jennie please no...

I felt this hard kick at the side of my stomach making me scream in terrible pain. I was screaming along with Taehyung who was struggling in the man's arm. This pain was unbearable. I felt my eyes losing sight for a second and then come back again.

Taehyung flipped the man and shot him dead and then walked towards Jennie. She attacked her hands to his which made him disgusted. He held her hand making her yelp.

"You really want to see the death of yours" He said and shot Jennie straight in her head.

"JENNIE!!!" Her dad yelled which seemed nothing in front of my screams. Like man I'm in pain!! I can die like this.

Taehyung came beside me and caressed my cheek. I gave him a small smile while making sure I don't make him more worried.

"I'm here now... Baby you'll be fine. You're my woman. You're strong. We'll get through this together. Don't leave me like this!" He started crying and sobbing making my heart also ache.

"Taehyung pick her up. We have to hit to hospital right now" Jimin ordered.

"Taehyung go. We'll take care over here" Jin told him as Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung picked me up which seemed quite hard because I'm carrying a human inside me. He started walking out of the build hurriedly yet carefully. He opened the back seat and got in with me in his arms.

Jimin started the car while I was screaming and yelling in pain. I felt like dying was less painful than this. I couldn't endure it. I was feeling tired now. Like I couldn't make it till hospital.

"Y/n don't close your eyes. You have to stay awake. For me, for our baby... Don't sleep baby" Taehyung kept patting my cheek, keeping me awake but it was of no use.

I was really tired right now and didn't had enough energy to stay away. I slowly closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

Taehyung's POV

I saw Y/n slowly closing her eyes so I kept patting her cheek, shaking her to keep her awake but in the end she slept. I was crying mess right now. I couldn't see the future right now. I didn't even know if she will survive. She was in too much pain.

I don't know why but all those memories where is rude and arrogant to her came to my mind. I wish I could rewind the time go to the checkup day. If I had went with her and stayed with here it wouldn't had happened. I didn't believe my own wife in stress of work.

This is why many people lose their loved ones. Not giving them time, care and affection they need and focusing on their work. Fucking workaholics.

We soon reached the hospital. Seeing us running inside and shouting for help, some nurse and doctors came to us. The placed Y/n on the stretcher and took her to the Operation Theatre.

I sat down on the chair outside with Jimin comforting me. I couldn't think straight. I was just blaming myself and Jimin was telling me that is wasn't because of me. After half an hour later, doctor came outside.

"Doctor? My wife is okay right? The baby is fine. I can meet her now?" I bombarded him with questions.

"It's complicated Mr. Kim." He said as I frowned.

"What do you mean it's complicated doctor?" Jimin asked.

"I mean we are doing our best to save both but there is one problem. Due to getting hit and tied for too long, the umbilical cord is stuck around the baby's neck and it is really dangerous." He explained to us.

"Then do something. Move the cord or find another way!" I told him.

"I wish we had sir but we don't. It's up to Mr. Kim. Who he wants to save. It's either the baby or your wife." He said as everything stopped around me.

No... It isn't possible. How can this happen? No this is-

"Save both of them!!" I raised my voice.

"We can't sir. You have 15 minutes to choose. I'll be back after setting things up." Doctor went away as my legs gave up.

I stumbled and fell on my knees. Jimin instantly came by my side. I don't want to lose them. Not even the baby not Y/n. I can't chose between them. If I chose Y/n, the pain will be too much for her and if I chose the baby, it won't get mother's love. Ugh!!! It's so complicated.

I looked at Jimin and hugged him, "What should I do Jimin?! I can't chose between them. They are everything to me. How can that doctor make me chose between them!" I complained.

"Shh... Calm down first. You're a mess and it won't help you. Think calmly Taehyung. You don't have any other choice" He patted my back.

Who could've thought the most powerful mafia would be crying like baby for a woman and baby. Love is really magical isn't it? Making even the stone hearted people as delicate as flower petals.

I was in deep thoughts. Things are messed up. There can't be another Y/n in this world who would love me this much but on other hand, this is the first child, my first child... Ugh!!

"So have you chosen Mr. Kim?" Doctor asked me out of nowhere.

I got up and wiped my tears. I faced him with a straight face.

"Yes. I have." I spoke. "That's good. Whom do you chose to save?" He asked me.

I looked at Jimin and he gave me nod. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth, having many thoughts in my mind. 


Guys I can't believe people are really reading my story and enjoying... I got 1.04k?! Like Wow!!

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