Meeting my fiance

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"Okay, Y/n your mom and I decided to get you married" He told me.

"Oh I'm getting mar- WHAT THE HELL? I'm getting married?" I said shocked.

"Yes. First you need to calm down and les-"

I cut mom off, "Calm down? You expect me to calm down when you are telling me that I'm about to get married to a strange!! I was living my life peacefully and I want it that way. I don't want to marry someone I never met in my fucking life!!" I started blabbering angrily.

"Y/n, mind you tongue lady! This is not how you speak to elders!" Dad said in a stern tone.

"Dad, I'll talk to her. Wait" Kyun Du spoke.

I looked at him with furry in my eyes. He sighed before standing up and getting in front of me. He kneeled down on his toes and took my hand in his. He started rubbing his thumb over my knuckles which were white. I looked into his eyes which were looking at me with brotherly love and care. I felt myself getting calm.

"Noona, listen to me carefully okay?" He said making me nod.

"Did mom and dad forced us to do anything even though it cost them loss?" He asked me. I just shook my head.

"Do they don't love us enough to let you or me live away like this?" He asked again. I shook my head.

"They do everything for us. Each and everything. Then, just hear them out once and then decide. Who knows they can be doing it for you" He explained me.

I looked at mom and dad who had sad smile on their face. He's right. They must have their reason to do this. They would never send me to a stranger just for some deal or money. They love us more than anything!

"Okay. I'll listen to reason first." I said smiling.

"That's like my noona." He returned the smile and got up and sat down.

"I-I'm sorry for the trouble I caused" I said and bowed to the other three men as well as mom and dad.

"Its fine my dear. Your reaction was obvious." Mom patted my shoulder.

"D-Dad I'm sorry. I should've listened up at first" I said playing with my fingers.

"Its fine my daughter. Like your brother said, would like to hear out the reason for all this?" He asked me while giving me a warm smile as I nodded.

"So as you know I am a mafia and we all, even normal people have enemies?" He stopped as I nodded, "We also have one and since past 2-3 months I've been getting death threats about how he wants to kill you" Dad said.

My eyes widen as I stuttered, "K-Kill me?" I pointed at myself.

"Yes. And we don't want to lose you at any cost so we asked help from the mafia king which is this person" Dad pointed at the old man.

I smiled a bit at the man. "So he suggested that we should get his son and you married. He is also getting old and want his son to take over this." He explained.

"Why get married? Isn't there other solution?" I asked the man and dad.

"There isn't. You also seem such a nice girl. Just like perfect daughter and maybe you could change my son who is in alien planet" The man said.

I chuckled and nodded but then I realized something, "Hold up! You mean you're getting me married to the future mafia king?! Dad you know I hate all these stuff!! That's the reason I don't wanna live here!" I started panicking.

"And mainly, where is that idiot!? Is he hiding his shy ass somewhere or is already on some mission to get his small ass killed?" I said even though I know he is one of the two sitting in front of.

"Yah! Who do you think you are!!?!" The guy I thought was attractive spoke.

"Ohh he's hot" I accidently spoke while checking him out.

"I know, don't drool over me. Ugh" He rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face.

I just boosted his ego. Good move Lee Y/n, mark the sarcasm.

"Your face isn't everything. Have you looked at your small... *cleared the throat*" I suppressed my laugh.

Kyun Du and other two people laughed. "Lee Y/n!" Mom and dad said together.

"What? I'm just stating facts" I shrugged and looked at the egoistic person with a smirk.

"Y/n dear" I heard the old man said.

"Yes sir?" I answered.

"You really seem like a fun to be with and nice girl. Please take care of my stupid son." He told me with a warm smile.

"Do not worry sir. I will make him get to his sense soon" I chuckled.

"It's dad for you from now" He told me.

"Okay d-dad." I nodded nervously.

"Noona, I'm Kim Jungkook. Hyung's small brother." He smiled showing his bunny smile. Oh my god!! He's so cute! I wanna squish his cheeks.

"I'm Taehyung" Taehyung said uninterested.

We all talked about the wedding which was held on the Sunday which is in 4 days. Mom leaded us to dining table for lunch with the Kim family. There was everything which was my favorite but mom said that Taehyung also likes all these dishes. Something in common? I'm not fluttered. After lunch, the Kim's went to their house. I plopped on the couch and closed my eyes.

"Noona!" Kyun Du yelled.

"Ugh what do you want?!" I groaned.

"Let's go home. I want to play video game!" He whined to me.

"Really? Let me rest for some time!" I told him and closed my eyes.

There was silence which was quite suspicious for me. I opened my eyes and saw Kyun Du at my legs. My eyes widen as he just pulled me down making me fall with a thud! My butt!!

"Ahh you little bastard!! Come here! Let's me just kill you!" I yelled and got on my feet.

"Eomma-ya~~~" He screamed as we ran around the living room like cat chasing rat.

"Isn't these the little things we missed all these times. Now they will minus more" Mom said to dad as I looked at them.

"Hey! Don't be sad! I will not go anywhere leaving you! I will be here only. I'll visit you more than this now okay?" I said holding their hand.

Mom nodded as she hugged me. Dad hugged us both as Kyun Du started whining about how we left him behind. This is my happy family. They could be more happy knowing that I'm safe. They will be more happy and relieved that I'm safe. It's all for me right? I can endure all the pain and hurt for them. 


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