Fall for Him

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I removed my pants and saw blood. I was right. Shit!!

I opened the shelf and saw nothing. I opened another and then every shelf but I didn't had pads. What do I do now?! I can't go out in this state... Should I tell Taehyung? Would he bring it? Ugh fuck everything!! I opened the bathroom door and went downstairs to see the kitchen empty and dishes all done.

What the actual hell?! Is he some dish washer? Even I don't do dishes this fast. I went to the living from where the noise of TV was audible. I saw Taehyung sitting on the couch, watching TV. I stood near him without saying anything. In fact, I didn't knew what I should say.

"Do you need anything Y/n?" He asked me, turning his head to me.

'Just fucking tell him and get over it!!' I thought and inhaled.

"Taehyung can you... um... it's the..." I couldn't speak properly.

He got up and stood in front of me, "Don't be scared. Just tell me what it is"

"Canyoubringpadsforme?!" I said in one breath.

"AH?" He said as he couldn't understand what I said.

I sighed and said, "It's the time of the month and I need pads"

"Ohhhh... You're telling me to buy pads for you?" He said pointing at the door.

I slowly nodded while looking down. I didn't looked at his face because I expected a reaction but what surprised me was when I was pulled into a hug. My eyes widen as I froze in my spot.

He broke and held my shoulder saying, "Of course I will. Why were you so nervous to say this thing?"

"I-I thought you'll feel disgusted and push me away" I answered while looking down.

"Why would I say that? Am I crazy? In fact, this is the time when I should take more care of you. Wait for me. I'll bring it" He told me by lifting my chin with his index finger.

I smiled and nodded. He took his wallet and car keys before going outside. I sat on the couch thinking how nervous I was for nothing. He is really caring and understanding. Lucky me to have such a kind husband.

Taehyung's POV

Here I am, at the store, sitting on the floor and staring at the pads section. Why are there so many brands?! Can they just keep one? And why didn't I asked Y/n about which brand she wanted??

Oh wait. I never knew there are these thousand brands. I was at the verge of laying down on the floor. I sighed and got up and that's when a worker came towards me.

"Sir how may I help you? I saw you struggling" She said polity.

"Well I need pads but I don't know which brand would be bed for her" I said with my cheek heating up a little.

"You should take this one then. It's really good at hygiene and good." She passed me a pack.

"Such a caring husband you are" A grandma complimented me making me shy.

I bowed and went to other sections. After taking some other stuffs too, I paid and exit the store. I went straight home. I saw Y/n laying on the ground and there was a red stain on the cushion covers. Poor girls.

She saw me entering inside which made her stand up. She jogged to me and snatched the bag, mumbling a thank you and running to her room. I smiled at her. Cute.


I snatched the bag from him and ran to my room in embarrassment. I started digging in and saw there were chips, chocolate, ice cream, juice and some meat. Wow these looks tasty but who are these for? Me? NO he must've brought it for him. He must need it while watching TV.

I just took the pads and did my work. Once I was done, I went back down with the bag of my favorite food. I want those food but I need ask him first. I went to him and saw him watching TV. I held the bag and sat beside him. I looked at him who was so concentrated on the TV.

"Taehyung-ah" I called him out.

"Hmm" He answered while his eyes still glued to the TV.

"W-Why did you brought these stuff for?" I asked him while holding the bag in air.

"For you of course" He looked at me making my heart skip a beat. "I read that it is good for these days. And also, we need some change in food right?" He ruffled my hair while smiling.

"You, surely, are trying to make me fall for you huh?" I chuckled.

"Of course. I am, and keep in mind that you will surely fall for this person" he pointed at himself.

"I already did fell" I whispered.

"What did you said?" He asked me confused.

"I said we'll see about that" I lied while smirking.

I leaned back and rested my back while digging in the food. How much I love chocolates and ice cream!! When I used to have period before marriage, Kyun Du used to eat all the stuff brought for me. That heartless person. I started eating happily.

Taehyung was trying to steal my chocolate and ice cream but I slapped his hands away. I will share everything except my chocolate, ice cream and my husband. We both enjoyed the rest of the day so much. We ate, made jokes, at night cooked together to only get into food fight.

We had fun and enjoyed each other's company. I forgot about all pain of period and just relaxed. We then watched dramas on TV all night, in other words we were having drama marathon. Taehyung wanted to watch Pinocchio and I wanted to watch Extraordinary You.

In the end we watched ExtraOrdinary You. I never this marathon would be so fun with anyone other than my brother. After completing the whole drama, we went to sleep in the morning. But I couldn't even sleep in the morning. I kept thinking of what all things last week. Now I know it feel to be loved and to love.

Things were going sweet and fluttery for about a week further. He would always find a way to make my heart go crazy and me? I would fall more and more each passing day. Everything was like... a love story who got a villain later...

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