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Kyun Du called Lisa out for some reason and Taehyung came inside.

"Did you enjoyed the day Taehyung?" I asked him while focusing on the food.

"Very much. The way you were jealous, the confession you did today and then some time with family. It was a perfect day for me." he replied while hugging me from behind.

"Yah what are you doing?" I whispered-yelled at him.

"What? I'm hugging my wife is it not allowed?" he pouted with his chin on my shoulder.

"Kyun Du and Lisa might see us!" I hissed at him. "So what? Let them se-" He was cut off by phone ringing.

He let me go. I took the phone and picked my phone. I looked at the caller id and saw it was from mom. Why is she calling at this time? I answered anyway.

"Hello eomma!" I beamed at her.

I heard her crying, "Y-Y/n, dear please c-come to hospital please. W-We were into accident a-and dad in critical c-condition" she was blabbering something which I understand halfly.

"Eomma. First stop crying and explain what happened" I said as Taehyung frowned.

"H-Honey, you dad and I-I got into an a-accident. H-He is in hospital r-right now!!" She was sobbing badly.

"WHAT?!" I shouted in shock. I felt my heart race in nervousness.

Kyun Du and Lisa came running inside and saw me in tears.

"C-Can you come t-to hospital?" she begged me. "Y-Yes. W-We'll be there" I assured her.

I hung up looked at Taehyung. He took my hand in his as I broke down.

"Noona! You are scaring us! Tell us!" Kyun Du spoke.

Taehyung pulled me into hug as I clutched onto his shirt, "D-Dad and mom g-got into ac-accident! T-They are in hos-hospital"

"What?!" All said in unison.

We all hurried to hospital. Taehyung asked the receptionist about dad's room. She told that he is still in OT. We ran to the floor. I slowed down when I saw mom sitting on a chair, crying her heart out.

Her eyes red and puffy, just like my and Kyun Du's. I jogged to her and stood beside her.

"E-Eomma" I whispered in hoarse voice.

She looked up and hugged me as if her life depend on me. She started sobbing which made my heart ache. I patted her back and calmed her down.

"Mom, how did this all happened?!" Kyun Du questioned her.

She broke the hug and answered, "Y-Your dad and I were c-coming home from work and a truck lost i-it's control and came to the w-wrong side. W-We luckily d-dogged it but we didn't noticed d-divider." She was trembling like crazy.

I made her sit and then she continued, "The car flipped and hit a tree. Y-Your dad saved m-me instead." She broke again once again.

"Mom are you alright? Is it hurting?" Taehyung asked while pointing at the bandage tied around mom's head.

"No it's just a bruise and scratch." She told as I sighed in relief.

Just then doctor came as mom and I stood up.

"How's dad doctor?" Taehyung asked quickly.

"He's out of danger but in coma. But... there's one more problem" He informed us.

We all waited for the doctor to continue.

"Well he lost a lot of blood till he was brought here. While surgery too so we are out of blood right now. We need his blood type immediately otherwise he can go under critical condition until morning" He told us as my breath hitched.

I looked at Taehyung and Kyun Du.

"W-What's his type?" Lisa asked.

"AB. We searched for it but we couldn-"

"I'll donate!" I shot my head to Taehyung.

"T-The amount we need is more." Doctor told us.

"It's fine. Any amount. I'll donate. My blood is AB type" Taehyung stood up.

Doctor took Taehyung to room and after half an hour, doctor came out and said that Taehyung have to stay here until tomorrow evening. For now we can see him. Everyone said that I should go and be with him.

I went to the room and opened the door. It caught his attention. He turned to me and gave me a smile. I returned it back and walked closer to him. I sat down beside him and held his hand into mine.

"Taehyung-ah" I called out his name softly.

He hummed in response, waiting for me to continue, "How are you feeling? A bit weak?" I asked.

"Did you forgot that I'm a mafia? I'm used to this loose of blood and those things. But the fact that my blood was used for good reason makes me happy. It's the first time I help someone. I mean an innocent person." He explained to me.

"That's good to hear then." I chuckled at him. "How is dad?" He asked me.

My heart skipped a beat in happiness when he said dad without 'your'.

"I don't know. I didn't visited him. I directly came to you" I told him.

"Hey! How can you do that! You should have went and seen dad first! Go!" He scolded me and took his back. I miss his warmth already.

"Kim Taehyung-shi, mom said I should see you first. Dad will be out of danger soon. Thanks to you" I said while intertwining our hand and kissing his knuckles.

I stayed there talking to him about his work and some of my memories of childhood. Around dinner time, Lisa came inside the room and told me to come out for a bit. I followed her out and saw everyone having a serious expression.

"What happened guys?" I asked him concerned.

"Doctor said that only one person can stay with each patient so I think Lisa and I should home tonight. We'll come back tomorrow with breakfast. The hospital with provide dinner for today." Kyun Du explained to us.

"It's fine with me. Mom can stay with dad tonight. I can be with Taehyung" I told him.

"Good then. We'll take our leave now. Don't stress yourself too much unnie? Mom?" Lisa warned us and they both walked to the exit.

I turned to mom and held her hand. I kissed her forehead and smiled at her.

"Mom, dad will be fine. We all are here with you. Don't worry or stress. Just sleep peacefully. You must be tired today" I softly informed her.

She nodded with a proud smile. I lead her inside dad's room. I kissed dad's cheek too and then walked out before closing the door. I head to Taehyung's room. He was eating dinner with a plate separate on the side.

"Come. Have dinner. You must be tired." He patted the space beside him.

I sat beside him and started eating but nothing tasted good. I felt so empty. Many thoughts running through my mind making me anxious. Taehyung's hand held mine making me looked at him.

"Don't worry too much okay? Just eat and sleep. We'll see progress tomorrow." He assured me as I nodded slowly.

We both then slept on the bed, in each other's embrace. 

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