Bad News

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I woke up by sun rays hitting my face. I blinked a few times to adjust the light. I sat Taehyung's hands wrapped around my waist. I carefully removed them and got up. I went to the bathroom and freshen up. I combed my hair with the small brush with me and went out.

I saw Taehyung still sleeping. I thought of going to the rooftop of hospital to get some fresh air. I leaned on the railing and closed my eyes. Cold breeze blowing my hairs and calming me. At school I was never really good at anything. Getting average grades, not in any sports, and arts weren't my thing.

I was then forced to marry someone I never loved but its different now. I love him so much right now and even in this short period of time he showed so much care and affection. Now dad being like this. I never got alone time to think about anything clearly.

I sighed and opened my eyes. I head back down and started to walk towards our rooms but nurses and doctors were rushing. I shrugged it off and continue walking. I saw Kyun Du running towards me.

"Oh Du-ya, when did you came?" I asked him.

"That's not important right now. Where the hell were you noona?" He raised his voice at me making me nervous.

"I-I was on the rooftop. I felt suff-" He cut me off by holding my wrist. "Come with me"

He started pulling me towards Dad's room. We reached there to only see mom crying in Lisa's arms while she was comforting her. I saw the nurses enter dad's room.

I looked at everyone but no one spoke. "What is going on? Can someone tell me!!" I raised my voice.

Mom looked at me and spoke, "I-I was sleeping beside y-your dad when he started getting a-attacks so I called doctor and nurses." She cried.

I felt my whole body tense up. What in the world is happening?! Can there be no peace? I sat down on the empty chair and held my head in my hand. Kyun Du was pacing back and fro. About half an hour later, all the nurses and doctor walked outside. We all got up and looked at him with hopes in our eyes.

He removed his mask before speaking, "Well we tried our best but unfortunately, we couldn't save him. We're sorry but he's no more"

My mom fell on her knees as I just stood there shocked. My eyes went to my mom who was crying and sobbing. I still couldn't believe this. I don't want to believe this. It can't happen! Dad will call his princess inside and talk to her. He will be with us right?? I looked at Lisa who was also making my eyes tear.

My legs gave up but two arms wrapped around me, holding me. I looked at the person to see Kyun Du looking at me while crying. It's true then...

"K-Kyun Du-ya..." I called him out.

He rubbed my back and made me sit on the chair while he was whispering, "Noona don't cry. I'm here for you. We all here need comfort from each other. Everything's gonna be alright, Everything's gonna be okay?"

I laid my head on his chest and started crying.

"Kyun Du everything is over. Nothing will be same anymore. And nothing is going to be okay!" I yelled while choking on my tears.

I missed something. Something which was important. Taehyung?! My eyes widen and I shot up. Kyun Du looked at me confused.

"Du-ya... Tae-Taehyung. I-I will... he" I was blabbering but instead of correcting myself, I turned around and ran towards Taehyung's ward.

I opened the door making the nurse flinch. I looked at the bed but he was not there. I frowned and looking around the room but he was not there.

"Where is the patient?" I asked the nurse. "He is in the-" She was cut off but the bathroom door opening.

"Oh Y/n? Yah where were you a-" I cut him off by throwing my arms around his shoulders. "YAH KIM TAEHYUNG! For a minute I thought I lost you too!" I spoke while burying my face in his chest.

His warm felt so good, so comforting making me cry even more.

"What do you mean you too? What is happening?" he asked me making me look at him.

I looked into his eyes with tears falling down mine, "T-Taehyung, dad is no more there with us. He's gone" I sobbed making his eyes widen.

He took my hand and head to mom and Kyun Du. We reached there and saw doctor talking to them.

"Oh Mr. Kim. You will be discharged now. You have to fill the form and you're good to go" Doctor said to him and then walked away.

"Y/n, Taehyung-ah you two should go home. You both need rest. Don't worry about us. Lisa and Kyun Du are here with me" She held our shoulder.

"I think mom you should also go home for now. You stayed with dad last night. We'll handle the procedure further." Kyun Du told mom.

"Yes aunty. There are 2 days until funeral so you should use that time for yourself." Lisa spoke.

Mom had no other option but to agree. Taehyung suggested that mom should stay with us till tomorrow. We all freshen up and then I started preparing the lunch. Mom insisted on helping but I told her to rest.

We all ate and went to our room without any word. I shifted to Taehyung's room today. When mom was taking shower, I took all my clothes and went to Taehyung's room. It had to be fast because there were many stuff of mine. 

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