I'm Sorry

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A smile automatically creeped upon my face while I stood up, "I love her" I whispered.

I opened the door and went to Y/n's room. I saw the bed made like it was never used, everything all clean. She was not here. I walked down to the kitchen and saw no one. Then I remembered... I ran towards the door to see her sobbing softly while burring her face in my knees.

My eyes soften at the sight. Was she crying all this time? I felt so guilty about what I did earlier. She was scared, crying and feared of me yet I didn't stopped. I kept yelling and getting violent. I walked to her and kneeled down. I placed my hand over her shoulder making her look up.

She saw it was me and sway my hand away. I saw fear in her eyes. No that's now the emotion I want from you. "Y/n, I'm sorry abo-"

She got up, cutting me off. I did the same but she walked past me running upstairs.

"Y/n listen to me!" I said while following her.

She looked at me one last time and shut the door of her room. I banged the door with my fist.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. In fact I don't even know why I acted like that. Please forgive me once Y/n. I'm genuinely sorry" I begged her as my voice cracked.

I kept banding my hand and head on the door but nothing. I sat down beside the door and let the tears fall.

"Jebal..." I whispered while resting my head on the wall.

Y/n's POV

I hear each and every word. I felt really bad. He is at the verge of crying. He said he didn't mean it right? Maybe... Maybe I should forgive him. One last chance won't hurt right?

I got up from my bed and slowly walked to the door. I opened the door and walked out to only see Taehyung sitting on the floor. He must've felt my presence. He stood up and looked at me.

He pulled me into a tight hug and started crying on my shoulder. I was really shock at first. It was not something that he should cry on right? I broke the hug and looked at him in the eye.

"Why are you crying? It's not such a big deal to cry" I said softly.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I will never do anything like that to you. I promise." He said while holding my hand.

I felt a knot in my stomach and my heart started beating faster. Am I starting to fall for him? Every time he talks, he hold me, I feel this weird thing inside me.

"It's alright. I forgive you" I spoke, coming out of my thoughts.

"Really?" he asked shocked.

I nodded, "But what was the reason that you acted that way?" I asked him.

"Oh that... Nothing special. Let's forget it" He said and turned around.

I held him by his arm and turned him around, "NO! You have to tell me why. Otherwise, I'm taking not forgiving you. I can start sulking again" I warned him.

He took a deep breath and took my hand into his. Is he trying to kill me without any weapon?

"Remember if I told you and you don't like it that's fine. I don't force you on anything. I..."

"Don't be scared. Just tell me" I spoke.

"Okay... Iloveyou!" he blabbered.

"What? I-I couldn't catch up. Can you speak... slowly?" I told him.

"I love you" he said as my eyes widen.

W-What did he just said? My mind went blank for a minute as I was processing what he said. 'I love you' !!! A have waved in from of me as I can out of my thoughts.

"Y-Yes" I mumbled.

"I know it's too early to say and feel like this but I just couldn't take it when you said you made an excuse to not go on honeymoon. It just.... Hurted me. I thought so much. All those heart racing, you on my mind while I work, and everything you do is called love." He explained looking right into my soul.'

"Taehyung... I-" He cut me off.

"Look I don't wanna hear anything right now cause it's either I don't love you or you need time. You have time. As much as you but till you answer me back, I'll keep courting you. I'll try my best to make you fall in love with me. Will it be okay?" he looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"Okay... Go ahead" I said trying my best not to smile.

He started jumping in happiness. I looked away while smiling. He looked like a kid who is excited to go to picnic. My babyyyy- wait what... NO! You can't fall for his words so fast. He's mafia and he can do anything for his work. Just wait till you are really confirm about both's feeling.

Next Morning

I woke up from sleep in a good mood. I was still not over Taehyung's confession of yesterdays. I got up from my bed and went to bathroom. After taking a bath, I wore a crop and dungaree. 

I went down to the kitchen but stopped abruptly. What the fucking hell...? A man, none other than Kim Taehyung, cooking breakfast with floor as his clothes. I bite my lips to control my laugh but I failed.

"Yah! Don't laugh!" He whined pouting. "Just look at yourself Taehyung. You look such a mess" I started laughing again.

"So what? It's okay. Everyone mess up like this while cooking" He glared at me.

"No Taehyung. What I mean is you're looking so funny. Covered with flour and that liquid on you head... Wait- is that honey?!" my eyes widen.

"MOVE! Let me take over" I said and pushed Taehyung to the counter.

He sat down and took an apple. I started make something simple since the batter of something was tasting like shit. Seeing me cook, Taehyung started giggling. I looked at him and shook my head. I chuckled and continue what I was doing.

As I was done cooking, I told him to set the table. He took the plates and spoons and went to the table hopping like a kid. Gosh he looks so cute when he shows his soft side. I served the food and kept the pan in the sink. I sat down in front of him. We both ate in silence and later, he insisted on doing the dishes.

"Thank you so much Taehyung" I smiled at him.

"No need to thank me. It's a job every husband should do." He said, proud of himself.

I smiled. Well he is trying to be a good husband and tha- I felt something down there. I gulped and got up. I ran up to my room and closed the door and went straight to the bathroom. I removed my pants and saw blood. I was right. Shit!!

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