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Wedding day

I was shaken why something. I opened my eyes and Kyun Du standing beside me with a smile on his face.

"Is it a dream or my lazy brother woke up before me?!" I said while drifting back to sleep.

"It's not a dream. Now get up or you'll be late" He said making me groan.

"Let's be late than. It's not like it's my wedding" I said covering myself.

"But it's your wedding day..." He said making my eyes shot open. I sat up straight making him startled.

"Aish you scared me!" He smacked my back and walked to the door while saying, "Get dressed so we can leave to the venue"

I pushed the covers away and got on my feet. I ran to the bathroom and removed all the clothes I had. I started the shower and took a warm bath. I need to look extra beautiful than every day.

I got out and wore a short and crop top along with blue sweater over it. I tied my hair into a high pony and took my phone and purse before walking down. I my family waiting for me.

"Sorry for making you'll wait. Let's go." I said while running down the stairs. We all got into the car and dad drove to the venue. Soon we reached there. We all entered the venue and mom told me to get ready. A worker guided me to the Bride's Room. I entered inside and saw 4 girls standing.

"Hello ma'am. We are assisted to get you ready for you special day." One of them said as they all bowed to me.

"You can call me Y/n. I don't like being called as ma'am" I smiled at them.

They made me sit on the chair and firstly, moisturized my skin which took 20 minutes. Then I washed my face and they started working on my make-up. I feel kind of massaged when someone is doing my make-up. It feels good to be pampered. After half an hour later, my make-up was finally done.

Getting my hair curled and done took another half an hour. I usually get ready in 5 minutes. What are they doing for 1 and half hour? Once my hair were done, they told me to wear my wedding gown and then look at my final look. As told, I wore my gown which made me feel like I was princess.

The color, the lace design and everything looked so beautiful. I smiled while walking out of the changing room. I head to the mirror and stood in front of it. I was left in awe.

"I look... so beautiful" I whisper while smiling.

 so beautiful" I whisper while smiling

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