New Start

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Next day

Y/n woke up because of the alarm. This fucking alarm! She shut it off and got off the bed. She was feeling tired because of yesterday. She was not going making breakfast!! 'Let that bastard make it!' She thought. She walked to the next door, still half asleep.

She sat him sleeping with his body covered with the blanket. This pig never helps me, is what she thought. She sat beside his stomach and pulled his cover, looking at the lamp which she never saw before.

"Yah you little bastard wake up! Make breakfast today. I'm too tired!" She said shaking him.

"Yah wake up!!" She raised her voice. She sighed and turned her head to him. "Yah Lee Kyun Du wak-" Her eyes widen as she saw a different pair of eyes looking at her.

I moved away from him only to fall on the ground. She yelped in pain. She looked at Taehyung, who she thought was Kyun Du.

"I-I... you... mor- I-I thought y-you are Kyun D-Du!" she stuttered. She quickly got up and stood in front of him.

"I-I will make breakfast" she told him and ran out before pushing the door. He smiled at her cute behavior. She ran to her room, or should I say guest room. She dig her face in the pillow and screamed, "You fucking idiot! Did you hit your head instead of the clock!!" which made Taehyung, who was listening, smile more.

Y/n got ready and went downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge which was empty. "Do this person eat anything or is he living on air?" She mumbled confused. She closed the door and walked back to her room. She took her wallet and phone before walking back down.

Just when Taehyung came down in black jeans and purple hoodie making Y/n ogle over him. He looks so handsome. She gathered herself before opening her mouth.

"T-taehyung, I'm going to buy some groceries for breakfast. I'll be back soon." She told him and walked to the door.

"Wait!" Taehyung said making her halt in her steps.

She turned around and looked at him. "I'll come with you. Y-You don't know this place well." He said, nervously.

"Okay, let's go then" She nodded and turned around, smiling like crazy.

They both got in the car and started driving to shopping mart. The ride again was silent but this time, it was also awkward. She decided to ask him questions.

"Taehyung?" She looking at him which made her flutter once again.

He just hummed, wanting her to continue. "Don't you have friends? I don't mean to be rude but you look kind of... lonely" She asked him.

"I have. In fact, there are 6 idiots." He said chuckling.

She also smiled seeing him happy just because of the thought of his friends. They must mean so much to him. He seems to be happy because of them.

"Can you tell me about them?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course. We are actually 7 boys together. We named ourselves as Bangtan. It was Namjoon Hyung's idea. The oldest in us is Seokjin hyung. He is oldest but he is the most handsome in us, I mean that's what he thinks of himself" Taehyung grinned making her flutter.

Y/n's POV

But the most handsome for me is just you... Wait what am I thinking!!

"Next we have our grandpa. Yoongi hyung. He just loves to sleep all day so we call him grandpa. He had really pale kind if you don't know. As if he'll faint any moment."

"We also have our sunshine of the group, Hoseok hyung. We call him J-Hope. He is really the hope of our group. He is all bubbly and smiling all day. We can never see him sad. It also hurts us"

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