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*7 months later*

Well things were more than normal now. I couldn't ask for anything more. Taehyung would cook, clean and do laundry every day before going to his mafia work. He would even send anyone from Bangtan with lunch for me and make them watch till I finish it.

Today was my checkup and here I am, fighting with Taehyung because he said he had some work in office so he won't come with me.

"I told you Y/n. Don't get on me nerve" He gritted through his teeth.

"Taehyung I can't go alone. I told you there's this eyes following me!! I feel scared!" I yelled at him.

"They are nothing but your hallucination. These things happen in pregnancy Y/n. I'm getting late!" He said and took his keys.

He was walking downstairs as I followed him. I held his forearm. He yanked his hand from my grip and turn to me.

"Taehyung please listen to me. I wouldn't have said it to but I feel really scared alone. I always see this man around our house and I'm always alone. He could do anything to me" I pleaded him with tears filling my eyes.

"Kim Y/n, stop acting like a clingy girlfriend. I told you it's not true. And if it was, why was he silent for all these months! I'm not coming and that's final. Don't make do something I'll and you'll regret. I'm a mafia don't forget. Attention seeker" He whispered the last words but I heard it anyways.

He fixed his collar and turned around. He slammed the door and went away. I was still standing there crying. I felt really rejected. I don't know why Taehyung is acting this way since last night.

He lost 4 billion and is now under pressure it's not fair to take that pressure out on me. Fuck you Y/n. It's your hormonal changes. I went back up crying and took my bag and phone and left to hospital.

The hospital was around 15 minutes away from the house. I decided to walk there. After sitting for half an hour, I was called inside. The doctor checked me and came to me with results.

"Everything is fine. The baby is healthy and fit. You shouldn't stress because it can affect the baby. Eat more healthy food and drink lots of water." She explained to me.

"Yes doctor. Thank you very much" I smiled at her.

"You husband is coming right?" She asked me as my smile dropped.

I went silent for a second and then said, "Y-Yes. He'll be here in no time." I pulled a tight smile.

"That's good then. You may go" She smiled at me.

I got up and took my bag. I went home straight away. There again this pair of eyes staring at me. I feel like something is wrong today. Something is not good around me. 'They are nothing but your hallucination. These things happen in pregnancy Y/n.' I remembered Taehyung's words and tried to calm myself.

I bought an ice cream on the way home because it was really hot outside. Summer is about to start and it's hot already. I opened the door and entered inside. I kept my bag and phone on the counter in the kitchen and took a glass.

I poured myself some water and started drinking it but that's when I felt this presence behind me making me pause. I gulped down the water slowly while staring at the shadow behind me. Before I could think of anything, this pain was felt in my neck and I blacked out.

The last thing I heard was the glass I was holding shatter on the floor.

Taehyung's POV

I was really regretting what I did in the morning. I know I shouldn't be angry and call her with names but it just angered me for some reason. I was somehow believing in Y/n's word. I felt like she was telling truth but the other side of me thought it wasn't true.

I shook all those thoughts and decided to make it up to Y/n. After work, I went home with her favorite tandoori chicken pizza and her choco chip ice cream. I opened the door and entered inside.

"Baby I'm home!!" I yelled while removing my shoes.

I heard nothing in return. I frowned at it. She would always be in the living room watching dramas, sleeping or come to me. Where is sh- oh yeah... she had appointment today.

I sat on the couch and kept the pizza on the table. I went upstairs and changed into something comfortable. I looked at the time and it was almost 7 in the evening. Where is she?

I went down where my phone was and decided to call her. I dialed her number and placed the phone on my ear. I heard someone's phone ringing in the house. I frowned and walked to the kitchen. I entered inside cautiously but what I saw had me shook.

"No... this can't happen. I'm must be thinking wrong." I whispered while looking at my phone.

I quickly cut the call and dialed Namjoon hyung's number. It was ringing and he answered on the 4th ring. I heard noise behind him.

"Oh hello Taehyu- Yah Jin hyung!! Tell Jungkook to stop drinking milk. He have to go home and sleep!!" He shouted at Jin.

"What do you mean by stop him? Ain't I stopping him? Wha-" I cut them off.

"HYUNG!!!" I shouted. "Yah why are you shouting?" Rm said.

"I want to say something important and you're busy with him!!" I told him annoyed.

"Okay okay chill. What is it?" He questioned. "Find Y/n for me" I said.

"You're really out of your mind because of the loss are you? Just go home and meet he-"

"She is not home!!" I raised my voice. "What do you mean?" his voice showed concern.

"I came home from work and saw Y/n was not home. She had appointment to doctor and we had argument about it. I waited more than half hour but she didn't came. I called her and heard her phone ringing in the kitchen so when I went to kitchen I saw broken glass and needle. We use this type of needles for injecting something...." I explained while crying.

"What the..." He whispered. "Hyung she's kidnapped. She was telling me that someone is following her since few months but I yelled at her saying it her hallucination and said many things. Hyung she was right. She was followed. Hyung she was right and I was out of my mind for accusing her for lying" I sobbed.

"Stop crying Taehyung. We'll find her. Don't worry. I'll send Hobi hyung to pick you up." He told me and hung up.

I let the phone fall down in regret. I'm so sorry Y/n. I'm sorry. I should've believed you when you told me. Instead I just accused your pregnancy. I should've at least showed care and not yelled. It's all my fault.

Namjoon's POV

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled.

"Yes. We'll talk about it later, Hobi hyung please go bring Taehyung here. Till then we'll start searching." I ordered as they all got to their work.

"Jungkook and Yoongi hyung, hack each and every hotel, company and buildings you can. Find our every hide out of our enemies" I said as they ran to the room.

"Jimin and Jin hyung, get all the weapons and bodyguards. Make them ready because we will need everything ready." They both nodded and went away.

"We have to find Y/n at any cost" I whispered.

Taehyung's POV

About 20 minutes later, I heard a loud honk outside. It must be hyung. I took my phone and walked out of the house. I sat in the car and hugged Hoseok hyung. He just patted my back.

"It's fine TaeTae. She will be fine. We'll fine her at any cost. We're Bangtan!" He said as I nodded. I wish for the same Hyung.

Y/n's POV

I woke up and felt like my head would blast any moment. I opened my eyes. I blinked them a few times to get comfortable with the light. I tried to move but I couldn't. I looked down and saw that I was tied to a chair?

I looked around and saw dark room with sunlight flashing on my face from the roof. Where the fuck am I? Then I realized, someone kidnapped me.

"So you're awake now" I heard someone say.

I looked up as my eyes widen.

"Y-You?!" I stuttered. 

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