A day out with Family

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"How about we go to park after the match is over? I just want to go there" I suggested. "Okay. I'm fine with it. Just feed me ice cream." He smiled making me chuckle.

"Okay I'll pay." I said. After half an hour later, the match was finally over and it was 5 in the evening. We both went out in the clothes we were in the house. We went to the park near us. The ice cream parlor near the park. We know the owner because he's the big brother of Kyun Du's friend.

We entered inside and bought two choco chip and two cotton slurpees. We started searching for an empty bench to sit. In the end, we sat down on the ground beside a family of 3.

I was sitting beside him deep in thought. Until Kyun Du broke it, "What are you thinking noona?" He asked me, looking worried.

"Nothing, just little scared of the things happening" I said caressing his hair.

"What are you scared of?" He asked looking in my eyes.

"You know it's kind of forced marriage and he is a mafia. He seemed cold from now, what if he stays the same or becomes more rude? He could even abuse me in the future instead of protecting me. What is we couldn't love each other even after years, do we have to get divorced? What is he-" I was cut off.

"Hey noona, calm down. Nothing is going to happen. You're overthinking. Everything will be just alright. You both will be happy. Taehyung hyung didn't seemed liked a bad person even though he's a bit cold. Maybe he had lack or parent's love? His father is mafia king which is more leveled than our dad. There might be reasons." He took my hand in his.

"Look at Jungkook, he looks so bubbly. I am sure you and Taehyung hyung would at least be friends. Because that's how every strong relation starts. By understanding and trusting each other. It will surely take time but it will be worth it in the end" He finished his motivational speech.

"Aigoo my brother is all grown up now!" I chuckled while patting his head. "Of course, who is my teacher here" He pointed at me.

"Now let me rest for some time" He said and laid his head on my shoulder. He closed his eyes. I smiled at him. I started playing with his soft hair. I looked at the family beside us. The couple and their 4-5 year old kid. They looked so much in love and had so much affection for their child. I hope I also have a family like this in future.

After an hour or so, we both went home. It was 7 and almost dinner time. I just told my brother to order some pizza or whatever he likes. I just took a shower and got into some leggings and sweat shirt. I took my phone and plopped on the couch beside Kyun Du.

I opened the inbox and saw 2 messages from my best friend.

In the text,


Hey rosy!

Hello beautiful how
are you doing?

I'm fine. What about you
and your boyfriend?

We're fine. I heard about your marriage from uncle and aunty. Congratulations baby.🎉🎊

Thanks a lot. You're coming

No. I'm sorry💔😭


Well me and my family are
going on a tour in USA. We
booked everything and it
can't be cancel. But I'll come
to meet when I'm back,
I promise.

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