First Fight

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"We both bought you two tickets for your... Honeymoon!!" Mom and dad said together.

"HONEYMOON?!" Taehyung and I yelled in unison.

"Yes. You both should spend some time away from his work and house. You both need time to get to know each other. Some time alone where you can have peace and not his idiot beside Taehyung" Mom said looking at Jungkook.

"EOMMA!! Jungkook whined as I smiled.

I looked at Taehyung who was already staring at me. I bite my lips in nervousness. Why did they came up with this sudden news? What should we do? I don't think Taehyung would want to go. He don't even know me that well to go to honeymoon. And mom and dad know that honeymoon is not for getting to know each other.

I need to do something. Anything but not going there.

"When is the flight?" I questioned. "It's on next Monday" Mom answered smiling.

"SHIT!" I said with shock.

"What happened dear? Everything okay?" Dad asked

"E-Eomma... Can you come aside for a second? I want to talk to you please" I pleaded her.

"Oh okay..." she nodded and got up.

I also got up from my seat and looked at Taehyung before following mom to the kitchen. I took out bottle from the fridge and drank some. Okay just do it!

"What is it dear? Is something wrong?" She questioned me with concern.

I placed my hand on her saying, "Mom well... around that time my periods can start... and you know then we can't do 'IT'. And also we are not ready for that. It's not even a month since we got married."

She nodded, understanding the situation, "It's totally fine. We can just cancel the ticket. But tell me when you're ready okay?" She said.

"Yes mom. We will need to understand each other first and there is a lot risk right now. Anyone can hurt me and my baby." I explained further.

"You got a point. Maybe... in a year or two, we can decided again. For now, I'll talk to dad and cancel the ticket" She smiled at me.

"You're the best!!" I said and hugged her.

"That's fine. Don't sugarcoat anything. Let's go out. They must be waiting for us" She told me and we both went outside.

I winked at Taehyung making him frown. Mom and I settled down and I signaled mom to speak up.

"I think it's better to postpone their honeymoon. We have many enemies and even she have one so I think it's better if we wait till the danger is lowered. They might get to know each other in the meantime right?" Mom looked at us.

"Yes" I nodded.

"I mean you have a point. It's fine with me then. We will postpone it for some time." Dad smiled as I internally danced.

'Thank me Taehyung' I thought and got up as they both had to leave. Jungkook might end up messing the kitchen or set the house on fire. That kid! Taehyung and I walked to the door to send them off. We bit goodbye and I closed the door with a smile on my face.

I turned around and saw Taehyung too close to me. I gasped as my back hit the door. I could see his eyes darken as I gulped.

"What did you said to mom?" he asked me sternly.

His voice is sending chills to my spine. He is so hot and also scary at the same time.

"Taehyung calm down. I'll-" he didn't let me complete the sentence.

"God damnit Y/n! JUST TELL ME WHAT.DID.YOU.SAID.TO.MOM?!" He shouted and hit his fist on the door beside me making flinching me.

I was scared right now. His veins popping out, his eyes showing darkness, his violent behavior was scaring the shit out of me. And the punch just added some flavor to my shit.

I was scared of him. I have never seen anyone act like this. It was new for me. Taehyung's this side was... horrible. Tears started taking over my eyes.

"I-I told her that m-my periods will s-start about that t-time. W-We also need t-time to know e-each other. We can't ha-" he cut me off again by hitting the door.

Gasp let my mouth.

"Are you crazy Y/n?! Did you asked me about it?!" He yelled at me.

"B-By looking at you, I-I thought you also d-don't want to g-go" I stuttered while my legs were trembling due to fear.

"You thought? YOU THOUGHT?!! You should've asked me about it once!!! Before deciding it by yourself Y/n!!! How could you take such big decision by yourself!? TELL ME!!" He was showing as my body was shaking and tears covered my cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry." I said softly while tears flowing down.

"You should be. You're just being selfish right now. I can't believe it" he said running his hands through this hair.

He looked at me once with anger and kicked the door before turning around. I just stared at his back while stomped to his room. Once he shut his door, I slide down the door and buried my face in my knees. I started sobbing and crying because of fear. I have never been this scared ever.

But the thing I can't understand is why would he get so angry? It's not like he loves me or want to spend his life with me? Some scary and weird questions roaming around my head.

Taehyung's POV

I kicked the door as she flinched. I turned around and stomped to my room. I slammed the door shut and sat on my bed. I don't know why I acted that way... Why I'm so angry and disappointed when she gave some excuse of postponing our honeymoon.

I couldn't understand anything but then, a voice behind my head spoke,

You love her stupid...

No... Love is not my thing and I can't fall in love so easily. I can't but then it can also be true. Those time when my heart flutters and goes wild when she smiles, talks and just walked around.

The way she woke me up thinking I was Kyun Du, the way she is. How she treats my parents like her. How polity and kind she is... Each and everything of hers makes me go crazy but in simple words, could it be love?

It is love Kim Taehyung. You're in love with her. You're in love with your wife idiot!

A smile automatically creeped upon my face while I stood up, "I love her" I whispered.

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