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I opened the door as my eyes widen.

"Mom!" I smiled and hugged her. It's Taehyung's mom thank god.

"Oh my dear. Did you missed me so much?" She chuckled while patting my back. "Of course. I missed you. I felt bad for rejecting to go to shopping with you and Jungkook last week." I pouted making her smile.

"It's fine. We can go on shopping some time later." She said while entering inside. She sat on the couch while I brought water for her.

"How have you been Y/n?" She asked as I sat down in front of her. "I am good. How is dad? Taehyung told me that dad is sick." I told her.

"He ate ice cream and drank two bottles of coke so he was on high fever for 3 days. Acting young. Tss!" She rolled her eyes making me laugh.

"Good to hear that he's fine" I joked making her laugh too. We both talking for some time and then made lunch together. It was really good to spend time with my mother-in-law.

"I'm really jealous of you mom!" I said while sulking. "Why what happened?" She asked.

"TaeTae always praises you. Not gonna lie that you are everything he says but still!! Tell your son to love his wife too!" I whined like a kid.

She caressed my hair making me melt for a minute. She nodded saying, "He's just teasing you honey. I'll make you like myself! Come, I'll teach you my best dish" She said.

I smiled and got up. We both enjoyed the rest of the evening in laughter.

"Really? You did not mom!" I said in shock.

"Yes I did. I mean I wanted a daughter and having two sons was also tiring. I just wanted to experiment so I made Jungkook wear hanbok [Korean traditional dress] and clicked some photos" She told me as I was laughing like crazy.

Just when the main door opened. We both looked to its direction.

"It must be Taehyung" I whispered.

Footsteps were heard coming near. Automatically smile was creeping in my face. It sometimes feels so unreal that my heart still beats just at the sight of him.

"Jagiya~ I'm home! Where are you love?" he called me out. "In the kitchen hon- Taehyung" I replied back by almost calling him honey.

"Hey baby! How was your da- Eomma?!" he froze in the steps as he saw his mom sitting beside me.

"Yes Taehyung?" Mom said controlling her laugh at the hilarious situation.

"Oh h-hey... I didn't knew y-you were coming. You should've c-called me beforehand" He spoke nervously.

"Y/n called me here" She pointed at me. "Y/n-ah!! Waee!! I mean it's good you called her." He pulled on a tight smile.

Okay this is gonna make mom sad now. "Taehyung-ah, you can go and fresh up. I'll prepare the dinner." I told him.

He nodded and walked upstairs. Once the door shut close, I turned to mom.

I saw sadness in her eyes, that idiot! Doesn't know when to open his mouth.

"I think he didn't liked me coming here Y/n" She mumbled in sadness making my eyes soften.

"Mom mom! Even if he doesn't like it, I love that you came here within a phone call of mine. I really enjoyed the day with you. We had so much fun didn't we?" I consoled her.

"Yes we did" She nodded with a small smile. "Then don't mind him. You're here for me and I feel more than happy." I held her hand in mine.

We both then started preparing dinner. Japchae, Kimbap, Tokbokki and some kimchi fried rice for dinner is like heaven on earth! We started setting the table when Taehyung came down.

I made the son and mother sit and talk to each other while I brought the rice. I sat in front of Taehyung and beside me was mom.

"Mom, don't wish Taehyung tomorrow." I whispered to her. "Yes I won't. It won't be good." Mom said a bit loud.

"What won't be good?" We flinch at Taehyung's voice.

We both looked at each other and then at Taehyung who was eagerly waiting for our answers.

"M-Mom was telling that it can't be as good as her. The food I mean" I quickly covered up.

"Of course it won't be. Mom is the best cook!" He beamed as I looked at mom pouting. There goes his praising.

We all started eating and talking about Taehyung's childhood. It was really a good family room. After we finished eating, Taehyung gave me a sad look before walking upstairs.

Aigoo... my baby is sad now. But I can't do everything on my own tomorrow can I? Just endure it for today. I started doing the dishes but mom came to me.

"I'll do this dear. You can go take rest" Mom told me. "No. I can do it mom. You can rest in the room." I insisted.

"I know you do this every day. Not doing one day won't make you sick. Now go and sleep. Taehyung must be waiting!" She scolded me while pushing out of the kitchen.

"Okay okay fine! You should also sleep after doing the work" I told her and went back to my room.

I opened the door and entered inside. I saw Taehyung scrolling through his phone. He glanced at me before continuing his work. I took my pajamas and went to the bathroom.

I took a warm shower to refresh my body. I dried myself and got into my pajamas. I sat on the bed and covered myself with blanket. I wrapped my arms around Taehyung's waist.

I looked at him smiling to only meet an emotionless face. That now that's something serious. I raised my eyebrows.

"What happened baby?" I asked him. "Why did you called mom here?" He asked me.

"I have to stay home for 3 days more. I would be so bored." I pouted.

"I called Kyun Du but he said he had some work so I called mom" I lied.

"Then you should've called your best friend." He exclaimed.

"Yah! She works in the same office as mine. Is it not enough that she's doing my work?" I said a bit loud.

"Then you shou-" I cut him off, "Listen Taehyung, its okay if mom's here. We can still spend some time together. But it will be fine! Can't you do this much for me?" I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Fine just for you!" He gave in and kissed my forehead.

I pulled him down and snuggled closer to him. And just like that, we both fell asleep.

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