Visit of Bangtan [part 1]

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"I'm sorry..." he said making me frown.

"For what??" I asked. "F-For being rude. I didn't mean it" He stuttered making me smile but I controlled. "Eat before you go" Was all I said before walking down.

We three had breakfast while talking about stuff and sometime silence. After eating, we all got back to our own work.

"Noona, I'll get going. I just wanted to meet you" He informed and patted my head making me glare at him. "GO!" I sulked making him chuckle.

"Fine don't sulk. I'll sent you some sweets someday" He joked and started walk to the door. "Kyun Du, wait. I'll drive you home" Taehyung said coming downstairs.

"No hyung. You have work. I'll take taxi" He answered. "It's fine. Come!" Taehyung told and walked outside. Kyun Du just waved at me and walked out.

I closed the door and plopped on the couch. I was tired because of yesterday and this boy had me make breakfast. I closed my eyes for some time and relaxed. I felt so good. After some time, I scrunched my face because someone was ringing bell continuously. No one lets me rest!! I groaned and got up.

"Did I fell asleep?" I mumbled while rubbing my eyes. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I looked up at the person and froze.

"T-Taehyung?" I stuttered. Not only him, but there were more 6 boys behind him. "D-Didn't you went for work?" I asked him.

"Um my work time is over?" He answered. "So early?" I frowned. "If you don't know, it's almost 7 in the evening." He told as my mouth went open.

"WHAT THE FREAKING HELL?!!" I yelled. "I slept the whole time" I said while looking at the wall. "If you don't mind, can we enter?" Taehyung looked at me annoyed.

"Shit! Of course" I said and moved out of the way. All the boys walked past me while giving me smile. I closed the door and followed them.

"I-I'll get fre-fresh" I said and ran upstairs to my room. I slammed the door and went straight to the bathroom. I was just '-' away from digging my own grave. The first impression of mine on the boys, which I guess are Taehyung's friends, was so bad!!

I washed my face and changed into hoodie and jeans. I then head downstairs to see the boys watching TV. I gulped and moved closer.

"Oh noona! Come here!" Jungkook exclaimed grabbing everyone's attention.

All the people looked at me as I smiled awkwardly. I was still thinking of earlier. I sat between Taehyung and Jungkook while facing the others.

"These are the friends I was talking about in the morning" Taehyung spoke in a cold tone.

"Oh this must be Jin then" I pointed at the one who had the most handsome face.

"Oh! How do you know?" He asked me surprised.

"I, in short, gave her the description of you'll" Taehyung said bored. "Me! Me!! Who am I?" A over excited one said.

J-Hope? "Um J-hope?" I guessed. They gasped. "I'm right!" I smiled like a kid who won a quiz.

"Let me guess the others. You're... Yoongi? The one who always sleeps?" I pointed at the most pale one.

"This idiot never gives me respect!" He groaned at Taehyung who just giggled making me look at him.

"You must be Namjoon. The one with dimple" I spoke as he nodded smiling.

"You are Jimin! The shortie" I said as Jimin glared at Taehyung.

"You little piece of- You come here" Jimin gritted through his teeth before getting up.

Taehyung quickly got up and ran away from Jimin while Jimin chased him all the way aroud the room while others and me just laughed.

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