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On the funeral

The place was messed. Dad's members of mafia gang, his old friends and other relatives were here and crying. He was a mafia but really kind and caring. He would call and ask about everyone's health in every week.

He was like an angel and maybe that's why god thought to bring that angel to his court. I looked around and saw Lisa comforting mom who hadn't slept or eaten properly for 2 days. I saw Kyun Du sitting alone at the corner seat.

"Taehyung I'll be back" I informed Taehyung as he only nodded. Taehyung was really helpful for me and mom. He would do almost everything except for cooking. He massaged mom's feet when they were hurting, comforted me every night. Lucky to have him.

I got up and walked to Kyun Du. I stood in front of him. His head looked at me slowly. I saw his eyes blood shot red and puffy. How much I hate him seeing like this. He wordlessly wrapped his hands around my waist and started crying.

I caressed his hair and controlled my tears. Maybe if I cry, mom and Kyun Du would cry too. Maybe if I act strong, I can help them overcome this pain. We all won't forget it but the pain can reduced with time right?

"N-Noona, how can dad leave us alone l-like this!? H-He said he wanted to see my and L-Lisa's wedding!! He wanted to see our c-children b-but then how can h-"

I cut him off by kneeling down in front of him and taking his hand in mine, I said, "Shh. I know how you're feeling right now. But Kyun Du, even though dad is not here around us. He'll always be here" I placed my hand over his heart.

"Our dad was like an angel wasn't he? Helping the poor, in need people. Caring for his close ones and making people his close. Maybe god thought he needed this angel in his court so he took dad." I tried my best to comfort him.

I pulled him closer and hugged him. He slowly started to calm down while I saw Taehyung giving me a comforting smile.

After the funeral was over, we all went home. Kyun Du decided to live with mom and give our other house on rent. Me and Taehyung also decided to go home because he said I must be tired.

We both took a bath and sat down on the couch. He was watching news while I was lost in my own thoughts. All those happy memories started flashing in my mind making me more sad. I felt like this one piece of my heart was taken away forcefully.

I same to my sense when I saw a hand wave in front of me, I lifted my head up, "Y-Yes?"

"Why do you look so lost? Missing dad?" He asked me worried.

I nodded and laid my head over his shoulder.

"You will be fine in some weeks. I mean you will not fully recover but the pain will reduce slowly. Seeing how strong you acted with Kyun Du at funeral, I can tell that you will make it through" He comforted me which brought a smile over my face.

"But if you ever felt that you need a shoulder to cry on, remember that I'm here okay?" He caressed my hair.

"Yes I will." I answered with a small smile.

Things started to go back to normal. Taehyung and I would visit mom and Kyun Du weekly when he had free day. His mafia work was getting hectic slowly

I started working in fashion designing company. People there were very nice and sweet. They helped me in many things that I didn't understood or had a hard time in. Thing started running smoothly but something was off. I started feeling like someone was watching me every day.

At first few weeks, I ignored it and continue but things started to get worse when I felt those eyes even when I was inside my house. I come house around 9 and Taehyung comes home at 10:30. Those hours in between is the time when I'm alone in house.

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