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On 29th December

In the morning, after Taehyung went to office I started calling everyone who could help me. It was Sunday so I had off day. I first called Taehyung's mom and dad.

"Good morning Mom" I said as soon as she picked the call. "Morning to you too dear. How are you?" She beamed at me.

"I'm all good and happy. How about you and dad?" I replied to her. "We're also good." She answered.

"Mom I actually called to ask something. More like a favor" I spoke. "What is it honey?" She asked.

"You know it's Taehyung's birthday in two days and I wanted to plan surprise party for him. I just want you to come here and stay till his birthday" I asked her nervously.

"Of course I will. I am more than happy to help you dear!" She answered happily. "Thank you very much mom, and don't tell anyone about this okay?" I warned her.

"Yes don't worry. Not even a fly would know" She whispered to me making me laugh. She then hung up.

I then called my mom. After some rings she picked up.

"EOMMA!!!" I yelled excited. "What happened? Why are you yelling? Did someone broke into house? Are you hurt? Did-"

"Mom mom! Calm down! I'm fine. I just called you to ask a favor." I told her. "What favor?" She asked me.

"In two days, it's Taehyung's birthday so I planned a surprise party. I wanted you and Kyun Du to come. Bring Lisa along" I speed up a bit.

"Okay but it isn't a favor honey" She dripped her sarcasm out. "Mom! Listen first then answer!" I shouted a bit.

"Okay okay continue" She said. "So I want you to make your special handmade cake, the one you make for me and Kyun Du and bring it on 30th." I informed while walking downstairs.

"That's it? Okay I'll bring it" She answered and hung up. I stared at the phone in disbelief.

I drank some water and said to myself, "Okay now I have more phone calls left!"

I opened RM's number and placed my phone over my ear.

"Hello Namjoon speaking, who is it?" He spoke up. "Oppa it's me. Y/n." I told him.

"Y/n, how are you doing?" He asked me. "I'm happy because of Taehyung and what about you and others?" I answered him.

"We're fine too. Why did you called me so suddenly?" He replied. "Ah yes! Oppa are you alone? I mean where are you now?" I questioned him.

"I'm with members right now. Discussing about the new mission. Why?" he told me. "Is Taehyung with you now?" I interrogated.

"No. He is in meeting right now. He'll be back in 10 minutes" He informed me.

"Okay then. I wanted to tell you that as you know that it's Taehyung's birthday in two days..." He cut me off.

"So you planned a party?" He teased me making me blush. "Yes you're right" I mumbled.

I heard him laugh behind the phone making my cheeks go red.

"So what should we help you Taehyung's lady?" He asked me. "I just wanted you'll to bring the decoration materials. Party poppers, caps, balloons and other things" I explained to him.

"But won't Taehyung be home?" He questioned. "No we can make him do some work or anything" I told him.

"Okay then. Give any of us a call and we'll come." He informed. "Okay then. I'll hung up now Bye!" I beamed and hung up.

After making more 3-4 calls, everything was set for the birthday. All I have to do now is prepare for his special gift.

I wore a coat and took my wallet before walking out. I locked the door and turned around and head to the gift shop to buy the stuff I need to make his gift. I bought a big box, balloon, a doll and transformers toy, ribbons and many other things. I paid for and started walking home.

On the way home, I felt these eyes on me like every day. I felt really scared. I paced up and messily inserted key in the lock and open the door. I shut the door and locked in from inside. It's been almost a month and whoever this person is, had not done anything wrong but I still get scared.

I placed the stuff on the table and drank some water before sitting on the couch and starting to work on the gift. I mean it not something expensive but it is someone really precious. I arrange, tied and stuck things and then took a deep.

I was done with the gift so I now wanted to see the final result. I open the lid of the box and two balloons float up. One balloon was blue with black ribbon tied around the transformers toy. Another balloon was pink with purple ribbon tied to a small doll. The blue balloon had boy and pink balloon had girl written over it.

I smiled at the result. It's perfect. I closed the lid and got up. I decided to keep this in the store room so no one would see it. I looked outside the window to a black shadow. My eyes widen as I froze. Is there a person and since when is he standing here?

I placed the box on the couch and ran to the window. I closed the window and curtains. I closed every door and window along with their curtains and then head to the store room.

I didn't told Taehyung because I don't want him to be concern every day that am I okay or something happened. I then head to the kitchen to make lunch for me. I took out the pan and flinch when the door had a bang on it. I dropped the pan.

Okay now this is scary. There was another bang making me gulp. I was scared thinking what if it is kidnapper but my smart side of the brain said, 'He won't bang the door bitch' I slowly walked to the door and unlocked it. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for whatever it would be. I opened the door as my eyes widen.

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