Good news

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I slowly opened my eyes to see an angelic face. His messy hair, eyes closed, cute nose, little chubby cheeks and those lips which were swollen because of yesterday. Is he human for sure? Because he looks so perfect.

I was staring at him until, "Am I that handsome until you can't take your eyes off me?" He spoke while opening his eyes and smiling.

"Huh? You were awake all this time?" I asked shocked. "Yes I was. And good morning" he said kissing my nose.

"Good morning to you too baby" I smiled at him.

"But you didn't answered me. Am I that handsome in your eyes?" He asked me again.

"Of course! You're the most handsome man in this whole world!" I exclaimed while kissing his whole face.

Author – not a lie though

"You're so cute!!" I said because of his giggles. "You're even cuter than me" He said snuggling closer.

"Okay okay. Now let go off me. I have to prepare breakfast and get ready for work." I told him breaking the hug.

He nodded and I got up. I fell on the floor because of the pain. Taehyung quickly got up and came by my side.

"Are you okay? What happened??" He questioned worried. "I have you Kim Taehyung!" I hissed in pain while he cluelessly asked, "What did I do?"

"It's hurt down there you know! And it's all because of you!" I told him while glaring at him playfully.

"You mean because of last night babygirl?" he smirked remember it.

"Yes! Because of that! You could've gone slow you know!" I scolded him.

"I could but it was you who wanted it faster and harder!" he whispered in my ears as my cheek heat up. He giggled at my tomato face.

He picked me up bridal style as I gasped.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Clean us up" he told me as my eyes widen.

"What? NO! I-I can do it m-myself yo-" he cut me off

"If you're getting shy, you know I've seen everything already and in fact that I'm seeing it right now" He told me.

What is he saying abo-!!! Shit! I forgot that I'm naked. I hid my face in his chest making him laugh. We both took bath together while acting like kid. Playing with water and bubbles. We both even sat in the bathtub together like I've seen in movies.

We then got out and dried ourselves. I got ready for office. I wore a maroon key hole top with white office pants and went downstairs to make breakfast while Taehyung started washing machine and cleaned the dishes

He started helping me in many things since I started working. We both ate our breakfast in a good mood and then head out. Taehyung dropped me to my office where my best friend Rose and a new friend Jisoo works at. [Since you all wanted Jisoo in this story]

Skip to lunch of the next day

Rose, Jisoo and I were having lunch while taking about many things when I started to feel like throwing up. I quickly got up and ran to the washroom. At my actions, Jisoo and Rose followed me behind. I bend over the toilet and started throwing up.

My hair were held back in a pony while other patted my back. After throwing up, I went to the sink and washed my face.

"Are you okay now? Should we go to clinic?" Jisoo asked worried.

"No I'm fine now. No need to go to doctor" I answered while feeling a bit dizzy.

Lunch was over so we all went to our desk. Rose came to me from boss's office making me confuse.

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