Shopping for Wedding

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Next morning

I groan as someone was ringing the bell continuously. "COMING YOU SHIT!! STOP RINGING THE FUCKING BELL!!" I yelled on top of my lungs.

I angrily pushed the covers away and stood up. I slammed the door opened and walked out of my room. I stomped downstairs and head to the door. I unlocked it and pulled it open and it banged into the wall. I looked up annoyed but my eyes widened.

"Good morning noona!" The bunny chirped in the morning.

"O-Oh morning to you too." I stuttered.

"Do we stand here all day or you have manners to let us in" Taehyung said.

I glared at him before moving out of their way. They both entered inside and removed their shoes. I closed the door behind me and followed them inside.

"Wah noona, your house is really beautiful" Jungkook complimented me.

"Thank you kookie" I smiled.

"I like the nickname!" He chuckled.

"I'll call Kyun Du down. Do you want anything? Coffee? Juice?" I asked politely.

"No we're fine/ Strong coffee please" I glared at Taehyung who ordered me.

I scoffed and went to the kitchen. I made coffee for him as well as Jungkook. Once it was done, I placed the two cups on the tray and started walking to living room. I kept the tray on the table in front of them.

"Thank you lion" Taehyung smirked. I tilted my head in confusion to which he said, "Have you seen yourself?"

"Huh?" I then remembered, I just woke. "Fuck!!" I cursed and turned around, running to my room.

I heard Taehyung laugh which made my heart skip a beat. Don't be like this dear heart. He's a mafia who is marrying you to protect you. Not to make a family. I straight away went to Kyun Du's room.

"Yah Kyun Du wake up!" I shook him.

"Hmm noona. It's still early" He groaned.

"Taehyung and Jungkook are here. Wake up" I said and he just shot up making me startled.

"Aish this stupid bear!" I glared at him and walked to my room.

I took a quick shower and walked out. I wore jeans, plain white t-shirt under sunset orange shirt. I let my hair fall free and walked downstairs and saw Kyun Du and other two talking about something. I sat down beside Kyun Du.

"Why are you two here in this early morning?" I asked them.

"Firstly, it's not early. Its 10 in the morning and second, we're here to take you both out for shopping" Taehyung said pointing at us.

"Shopping? For what?" I questioned.

"Is your sister really dumb or she acts like?" Taehyung asked Kyun Du.

"Hyung, don't talk bad about my sister" Kyun Du said seriously.

"Aigoo my baby is defending me!" I ruffled his hair.

"And you noona, are you really dumb?" He asked me making me scoff in disbelief.

"Wahh this son of a- aish!" I realized we have same mother.

"Shopping for your and hyung's wedding" Jungkook spoke. I looked at him and nodded.

"Let's get going then." I said and got up.

I took my phone and my cards and purse before walking out. I locked the door as Taehyung brought his car. I walked to the car and held the handle to open the backdoor but someone stopped me by holding my hand. I looked up and saw Jungkook.

"Noona, it's our place. You belong beside hyung" He winked at me making me at him disgustingly.

I gave and sat on the passenger's seat. Taehyung looked at me with his eyebrow raised. I rolled my eyes and put the seatbelt. He also started the engine and we all head to the shop for our clothes.

We divided into two groups because the bride and groom are not allowed to see each other's dress and suit before wedding. It was Jungkook and me, Kyun Du and Taehyung. And right now, I'm in my 12th dress because Jungkook didn't liked any of them. I was now irritated and sweating.

I opened the door and walked out, "How is this kookie?" I asked him.

He stared at me and smiled, "If you weren't hyung's fiancée, I would marry you already noona" He winked at me making me laugh.

"We'll take this one" I told the worker there. She nodded at us.

I got back into my original clothes and we both walked to the counter. Just then the other two idiots came.

"How does noona look Jungkook?" Kyun Du asked Jungkook.

"If it wasn't for hyung, I would marry her already" Jungkook giggled showing his bunny smile and cute teeth.

"You look so cute! Just like a bunny" I messed Jungkook's hair making him pout and said, "I'm not a bunny noona!"

"Uwu my cute little bunny!" I said while he pouted.

Someone cleared their throat as we looked at him. "If you're done messing around, shall we go home?" Taehyung said.

"Ohh do we smell jealousy here?!" Kyun Du and Jungkook said together.

I looked at Taehyung who's cheeks were pinkish making me smile. He just hid his face and said. "Let's shut up and go"

"But I'm hungry~!" I whined like a kid. "Me too. We didn't had breakfast" Kyun Du added.

"Let's eat before going then" Taehyung said and started walking to somewhere. I smiled and followed him. He had the bag in his hand which I guess is the suit for wedding. I am unknowingly excited to see how he would look in the suit...

We all entered a snack center. Taehyung said it's almost lunch time so we should eat something light. Well thinking. We ordered 2 pizzas, coke and some fries. We ate and head back to home. By the time we reached home, it was lunch time. I opened the door and entered inside.

I hung the key on the board and removed my shoes. Kyun Du did the same. I turned around to see other two standing at the door.

"Why are you standing there? Come inside. Have lunch and then go. I'll make something you like" I smiled at them.

"No noona, it's fine. We'll go home and eat. You should rest. We'll eat next time." He told us.

They bid goodbye and drove away. So it's just me and Kyun Du. We both had our lunch and sat down in living room. I was kind of bored and wanted to go out. I then had an idea.

"Yah stupid bear!" I exclaimed. He looked at me and then back at the match which was on the screen. "Yes noona"

"How about we go to park after the match is over? I just want to go there" I suggested. "Okay. I'm fine with it. Just feed me ice cream." He smiled making me chuckle.

"Okay I'll pay." I said. 


How was this part guys?

I hope you keep supporting me till end as its my first fan fiction.

I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜

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