Kyun Du's Girlfriend

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"Why do you have to be jealous?" He questioned raising his eyebrow.

"Because I LOVE YOU!" I yelled but just then my eyes widen.

What did I just blurted out...

Shit... God please save me. It's embarrassing. I looked and I was crying? Since when was I crying? I heard Taehyung laugh so I looked confused.

"What so funny?" I asked him.

"Ohh!! Y/n! You're so cute!" He said while laughing.

I started to sob and crying violently. I was hurt here and he is laughing? Why! Taehyung's eyes widen at the sight of me crying. He came closer and took me in his embrace.

"Shh don't cry baby... it wasn't real at all. It was all our plan to get you jealous so you'll confess your feelings" he whispered in my ears and that made me cry more.

"H-How could you... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!! Do you know how much scared and hurt I was when she said she'll steal you from me?! I couldn't say anything in return because you were flirting back!! Do you know how much I felt like crying!!" I shouted while hitting his back.

He hugged me tightly as I cried in his arms. He just sighed and started caressing my hair.

"Do you really think I'll leave you after confessing, putting so much efforts on you? No baby" he said comforting words in my ears.

"I know you wouldn't but she was so much better than me. She looks so good with you. She was hot, sexy and even beautiful! How could I not feel insecure and jealous?!!" I choked onto my tears.

I broke the hug and fell on my knees. I felt so weak while crying. Taehyung quickly got down and took me in his arms once again. I kept crying and sobbing. I don't know why but I kept saying 'I can't live without you' 'Please don't leave me.

Taehyung's POV

I felt tears fill my eyes too. She was crying so much that she was literally shaking in my arms. I felt my heart broke. I should've used some other way to make her confess. I just hurted and made her insecure for no reason. And that Jennie! What was the need to say something like that!!

After some time, I heard no sobs. I looked down and saw her sleeping peacefully curled up into a ball in my arms but her cheeks showed traces for dry tears.

I picked her up bridal style and walked inside her room. I placed her down on the bed and covered her with the blanket. I sat beside her and started caressing her hair.

"I'm so sorry love. I hurt you. I just wanted to hear those words from your mouth. I should've waited more. I knew you loved me since the day I confessed. I thought you be just jealous. I didn't wanted to make you insecure about yourself. You are imperfectly perfect for me" I whispered and kissed her forehead and then head out.


I heard laughs which made me wake up. A strong pain started occurring in my brain! Did I cried too much? I removed the blanket and got up. I walked downstairs and saw Taehyung, Kyun Du and a girl sitting and laughing. Now who is this girl?

Wasn't Jennie enough?!! But I have to admit, she is as beautiful as Jennie. I slowly walked towards them and Kyun Du's eyes laid on me.

"Good evening Noona" He chirped.

"Hello Stupid bear. Who is this beautiful girl?" I asked glaring at Taehyung.

That glare turned into shock when Kyun Du said, "She's my girlfriend"

I shot my head to Kyun Du who was avoiding eye contact with me. I looked at the girl who was smiling at me.

"Heyy I'm Y/n, sister of this stupid bear" I pointed at Kyun Du.

"YAH! NOONA! At least be kind in front of her. She might get wrong impression of me!" Kyun Du whined as I pointed my tongue.

"Hello unnie... I'm Lisa. Nice to meet you" She said.

"You're really beautiful Lisa. So not good for her you are Kyun Du" I teased Kyun Du.

"You are also beautiful unnie." She complimented me.

I smiled at her and said, "Kyun Du, follow me for a second."

I got up and walked to the kitchen.

I stopped and waited for him to come inside. He came inside and stood in front of me. I grabbed his collar making him choke.

"Y-Yah noona!" He stuttered.

"You little piece of shit! Listen to me carefully!!" I warned him with full rage.

He nodded vigorously. "First of all, by my point of view, you are too young for dating and all but now that you are already dating her, I let it go. Second, by looking at her, she looks kind and polite so don't you dare hurt her or I, your sister, will make sure you won't have any child in future, UNDERSTAND!??" I said the last part loudly.

"Y-Yes. I understood. N-Now you can l-leave my collar" He told me tapping my hand.

I left his collar and straightened his collar. I intertwined our arms and walk out acting like couples. At night, Kyun Du and Taehyung were having their good talk while I was cooking dinner. Lisa was helping me when I spoke.

"Lisa..." I called her out.

"Yes unnie" she answered me.

I looked at her and smiled, "My Kyun Du is really naughty kid. I am the bad person in our relation cause I tease him every time but he is really kind and soft hearted. Please take good care of him and whenever he is upset or sad, please don't leave his side." I held her hand in mine.

"He may shout or say harsh words but be patient with him. He was away from parent because of the risk so he don't know how to express love properly." I explained her.

"Yes unnie. Trust me. I'll never leave his side or will ever hurt him. Actually, he is really romantic and caring. He means the world to me and I can't live without him. You can trust me" She assured me.

Kyun Du called Lisa out for some reason

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