Visit of Bangtan [part 2]

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I felt this warm things around me which felt good. I snuggled more into it to only hear some giggles... Giggles? My eyes shot open and I saw a familiar cloth. Did Taehyung wore this last ni- shoot! I tried to sit up but this alien was not letting me go. I looked around and saw the guys smiling and laughing at us.

"Taehyung!" I hissed in embarrassment. He just hummed. I internally groaned.

"Taehyung wake up" I whispered. He just smiled in sleep.

Does he think I'm his lover? Waking him up with care? This alien!

I lifted my normal leg and placed it between us before pushing Taehyung out of the bed making him fall on the ground. Others burst into laugh as I glared at Taehyung who was groaning.

"Why would you kick me!?" he asked me.

"Because you were cuddling with me! Not letting me get the fuck up!" I sternly said.

"Why would I? It must be you!" he said standing up.

"We really love watching this show but for now, get up and fresh. Breakfast is almost ready." Jin said smiling while we both just glared at each other.

Everyone walked out as well as I. My leg was better than last night. Maybe because of Taehyung. Who cares? I went to my room and took out a black dress with net neckline and went to bathroom. I took a warm shower and wore the black dress.

I walked down and saw Jimin and Jungkook fighting for TV remote, Suga was laying like a dead body, J-hope was looking done with everything and RM and Jin were cooking in the kitchen. More like Jin was scolding RM for not cutting onions properly. [If you know, you know.]

I smiled before walking to the two of them.

"Jin oppa. Take easy on him. He don't know anything about cooking" I said while taking the knife from Rm's hand. "Thank you Y/n" Rm whispered in my ear before walking out of the kitchen.

I started cutting onions while Jin was going something on the stove. After 15 minutes later, the breakfast was done. I called everyone to the table which Jin was setting.

We all sat down and started eating while they all told me how they met, how they treat each other. I felt happy for them. I looked at Taehyung who looked damn happy while talking his friends.

After having breakfast, they'll decided to leave.

"Guys please visit us again whenever you feel like. I will get really bored sitting along in this big house" I said pouting at them.

"Yes we will. Don't worry cutie" Jimin chuckled while pinching my cheeks.

Suddenly those hands were removed. I looked at the person and saw Taehyung. Whoa what's with him? He pulled me behind him and faced the others.

"That's enough for today. You'll can go now. Jk say hello to mom. Bye bye" he waved at them and then shut the door on their face.

My mouth left opened at his action. I looked at him back in disbelief.

"Yah Taehyung! Why did you do that?" I said grabbing his arm.

"Did what?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Why did you slammed the door on their faces? Are you crazy?" I raised my voice at him.

"So what? I did nothing wrong. They were getting too-" I cut him off by saying, "You did nothing wrong?! You must be really out of your mind... It's really bad manners to close the door on someone's face and you are here acting YOU DID NOTHING WRONG?! You should say sorr-'

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