Bad Bitch

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Mia's POV

Okay let me get this straight...... The whole world sucks.
I mean seriously what is even the point to go to school if my best friend is not with ME!!
I am not at all interested to go to a place and see people bitch about literally everything.
I don't know when I am going to shift back but till then I am stuck here.
Oh why I am here because my parents thought it would've been a nice idea to let me live alone for a while. This is shit.
When I arrive at the school I see the couples making out in front of their lockers. Then some people minding their own business. The same high school scene.
I make my way to my locker and get my stuff and head for my class.
I sit somewhere in the class and then a girl comes and tells me to get up!!
It's my first day I will try not to pick up fights.
Okay calm down and reply Mia.
"I sat here first." I say nicely.
"Well now get up!" she says in a very rude tone.
Okay that's it. I tried to be nice.
I slam my hands on the desk and get up to her level."
"No I won't and you better sit somewhere else." I say.
"What?!?!?!?! You don't talk to me like that." she yells.
"I can talk however I want so get off my face before I slap the shit out of you." I say closing my fist.
"I'll hit you first!!." she says and raises her hand.
Wrong move. I'm a bad bitch.
Before she could hit me I grab her hand and twist it behind her back.
She yells in pain but I don't leave her hand.
"Don't mess with me or you won't like the consequences of it." I hiss in her ear.
After I release her she runs to I don't know where.
I turn my head and she the whole class staring with their mouths hanging open. I just chuckle and shake my head. Bitches.

After six long agonizing hours I finally head home.
This day was really boring.
Not even my first day and these girls be attacking me.
After I get freshen up I call Alex and tell her about my day and she tells me how she had to act to be a nerd and she got paired up with a guy for a project.
Wow her first day and she gets to meet a boy and I get to meet a brat.
I am seriously gonna transfer back soon I don't care what my parents have to say. They are not around anyways and I lived with Alexa.
So I was basically living alone.

I have to do something soon.

Hey lovely folks
So here is Alexa's best friend.
She may not have the best temper and can be a bitch but she is really nice.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chap.


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