Christmas Plans!

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Mia's POV

My mother loved Drew but my father and brother had a ton of questions for him. My sister was surprised that I could even have a boyfriend.
Melaine and Mathew were twins while i was the youngest of us.

But when we left I knew my father approved whereas my brother was still trying ways to threaten him. But he saw how happy I was.

Today was the last day of school before we go on our Christmas vacay.

"So what is everyone doing for their vacay." Lina asked excitedly while sitting on the chair next to Paul.
Andrew was sitting next to me and jerk face and Lex were busy flirting with each other. Sheryl was busy blushing at whatever Liam was telling her and Laura was quietly eating her lunch and Marc on the other hand was busy trying to fit a burger in his mouth.
Jerk face was continuously saying something in Lex's ear and she was getting redder by each passing second.
"Okay jerk face we don't want a live porn session. So please try to keep your hands to yourself."  I stated.

"Liam tone down the flirting and Marc stop it you might choke and die.
Paul can you like already kiss her or ask her out." I said looking at everybody and Lina elbowed me in my sides and glared at me.
"She asked what is everyone doing for Christmas you assholes!"  I yelled.

"Calm down peaches let the poor children enjoy themselves." Drew said smirking at Kevin, Paul and Liam.

"Drew if you don't shut up you'll regret it." I said smiling at him.
He quickly shut up and started eating his lunch.

"I was thinking maybe we all can go on a trip together to celebrate our Christmas." Sheryl suggested.
I mean it would be really nice to go to another place to enjoy ourselves.

Everybody nodded their head in agreement and then the bell rang.
Drew kissed me and we all walked to our class.

The school ended and I went with Lex to our house while Drew and Kevin went to the gym.
I don't how do they spent 24/7 in the gym.
We had decided to meet at our house since everybody is comfortable here.

"Hello my dear humans!" Lina said as she entered with Laura behind her.

"Hey Lina!" We both greeted her and then Laura.
"Where is everybody?" She asked going to the kitchen.
"I don't know." Lex said.

"Somebody help me!!"  Marc said running into the house and behind him was Liam looking angry.

"You deserve it."  Sheryl came sighing behind Liam.
We all just laughed as Liam smacked Marc's head and he just pouted.

"Where's jerk face?"  I ask turning to Lex.
She shrugged and started eating whatever Lina had bought from the kitchen.
I texted Drew and he told me he was just entering through the door and when I looked up indeed he was there looking handsome as ever.
Behind him was jerk face.
Drew sat next to me while jerk face went to Lex and picked her up and placed her on his lap. She yelped loudly and her face resembled a tomato.
"Such a horny dog." I yelled loudly in Kevin's ear.
"Jeez woman chill my ear drums would've exploded!" he exclaimed while rubbing his ear.
But before I could say or do anything Drew pulled me towards him.
Paul came shortly after and sat next to Lina.
"So where do we go this Christmas." Laura asked while popping skittles in her mouth.
"I want go where it snows." I said loudly.
"How about Shimla in India." Sheryl said.
Since I'm half Indian i've already visited half of India. Believe me having a indian mother is not an advantage but I look nothing like my mother's genes I have all my father's genes in me.

"No I have visited almost every state in India." Lex and I said together.

"Okay how about south wales and victoria." Lina suggested.

Well Australia is a nice country we could go there.
I googled some images and it had snow.

So we finally decided on Australia.

Everybody started chatting among themselves.
While I was busy checking out Andrew.
"Like what you see."  Drew asked smirking at me.
"Yes."  I say shamelessly.
He chuckled and kissed me. I can never get used to this.
"Well get off each others mouth." Lex yelled loudly.
I glared at her but Andrew just chuckled.
"How about you get off his dick first."  I stated while smirking at Lex.
I looked at Lina and she was busy staring at Paul.
Okay need to do something since both of them are cowards.
So I asked Paul to come with me in the kitchen so I could give him a piece of my mind.
Andrew looked at me and raised his eyebrow at me while I smiled at him.

"Are you going to ask her out or no?"
I asked him.
He scratched his neck while blushing.
"What if she rejects me."  he says and look at him while my mouth opened seriously boys are so dumb.
"No you motherfucker she likes you she won't! You know what you should ask her when we go to our trip."  I tell him.
After thinking he smiles and nods his head he gives me a hug.
"You're the best."  he says and a throat is cleared we both turn our heads to see Drew standing there with his arms crossed on his chest making his muscles flex.
Damnnn Papii.
I smirk at him while Paul stands there awkwardly.
I tell him to go outside with others.
"What was happening."  he asks.
"Nothing."  I say smirking at him.
"So why were you hugging him."  he asks.
"because he thinks I'm the best." I say.
"WHAT!!" he yells.
I laugh at him before wrapping my hands around his neck.
"I just was giving him advice on how to propose Lina."  I say his mouth forms in an 'o' shape before he starts kissing me.

"I don't want to become an aunt so soon." Lina yells loudly from outside while Lex tells me to not affect the kitchen with our germs.


Heylo loveliess
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter
Love you all

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